Young Professional Fellowship 2024 in Sao Paulo, Brazil (Fully Funded and Open to all Nationalities)

The Mentor Amiable Professional Society (MAPS) has launched the FULLY FUNDED Young Professional Fellowship Sao Paulo 2024, a noteworthy initiative designed to hone the leadership abilities of young people under 40. The program’s main goals are to produce citizens of the highest caliber and with a higher sense of responsibility by promoting interfaith harmony, cultural variety, and the integration of many ethnic groups.

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About Young Professional Fellowship 2024

Opportunity Details

The world today has been witnessing major shifts in its economic, educational, and social domains where new trends have been taking over to change the course of lives. In this race of advancement, young residents of the world have been playing a dual role of generating new shifts and adapting to them simultaneously. From Environmental issues to its policy making, youth has a part to play in every field. For this reason, youth of today needs active mentoring and training to equip them with practical skills and leadership abilities so they will be the flag bearers of World Peace in the future and confident enough to share their efforts in analyzing and plausibly solving the emerging world issues. Along with that, the values of tolerance and respect towards other identities need to be engraved in their young minds so they will be a generation to believe in embracing diversity rather than widening differences.

“Young Professional Fellowship Program” is an active initiative to help resolve global issues by inviting audiences from around the world and providing them with a professionally organized platform for that. After its successful recent conduction in Canada, We are extending YPF westwards, by launching “Young Professional Fellowship Brazil 2024”, which will be an event of long lasting positive impact, socialization and resolution of World issues.

Topics Covered

  • Youth Empowerment
  • AI-Powered Solutions
  • The Future Starts Now
  • Youth in Policy Making
  • Global Governance
  • Youth Leadership
  • AI Bridging Gaps
  • Inclusive Tech Education
  • Reforming Global Institutions
  • Sustainable Futures

Benefits of Young Professional Fellowship 2024

  • 150 self-funded, 35 partially funded, and 15 fully funded seats.
  • Funding Categories:
    1. Fully Funded: Covers air ticket (reimbursement amount specified), accommodation, meals, certificate, conference kit, cultural evening ceremony, and celebration party.
    2. Partially Funded: Includes accommodation, meals, certificate, conference kit, cultural evening ceremony, and celebration party.
    3. Self-Funded: This option requires purchasing a delegate package but provides the same privileges, including a certificate, conference kit, cultural evening ceremony, and celebration party.

Young Professional Fellowship 2024 Requirments

  • The fellowship is open to youth ages under 40 worldwide.
  • Be open-minded, driven, and passionate.
  • They invite students and young professionals to apply.
  • Dedicated to attaining the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Pay the application fee imposed by the YPF.

Application Date and Process

Click on the link to the application website to apply.

Application Deadline

25 September, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of Young Professional Fellowship 2024

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