Workshop on Interpretation & Presentation of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Kigali, Rwanda (Fully Funded)

To strengthen the capacities of heritage practitioners in the field of presentation and interpretation of World Heritage sites, the African World Heritage Fund (AWHF), the International Centre for the Interpretation and Presentation of World Heritage Sites (WHIPIC) in partnership with the Ministry of National Unity and Civic Engagement of Rwanda (MINUBUMWE), is organizing the Workshop on Interpretation and Presentation of World Heritage Sites Associated with Memory of Recent Conflicts in Africa. Click here to learn more about this opportunity and apply for it. 

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About Workshop on Interpretation & Presentation of UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Opportunity Details

  • Date Published: September 21, 2024
  • Application Deadline: October 06, 2024
  • Category: Fully Funded Training
  • Oppotunity Locations: Rwanda
  • Eligible Locations: Africa

World Heritage interpretation and presentation refer to the processes and methods of communicating the values and significance of a World Heritage site to local communities, visitors and the wider public. Interpretation and presentation are critical for the conservation and management of World Heritage sites to ensure that they are valued, protected, and appreciated by both present and future generations. Effective interpretation and presentation also involve the sharing of knowledge and information among stakeholders, including local communities, tourism operators, and other relevant organizations. Collaborative and participatory approaches are essential to ensure that the interpretation and presentation are culturally appropriate, sustainable, and respectful of the site’s values and the rights of its stakeholders. Interpretation and presentation of World Heritage sites play a vital role in promoting understanding, appreciation, and stewardship of cultural and natural heritage, sustainable tourism and ensuring its continuity and viability for current and future generations.In their quest to improve the representation of Africa’s diverse heritage on the UNESCO World Heritage List, African States Parties have been confronted with challenges of developing an interpretation and presentation strategy for sites associated with memory of recent conflicts as understood within the framework of the World Heritage Convention.

Following the reflections initiated in 2018 and the fruitful debates held during the meetings of the Open-ended Working Group on sites associated with memory of recent conflicts established at its extended 44th session of the (Fuzhou/online, 2021) to broaden the scope of the reflection on sites of memory associated with recent conflicts, the World Heritage Committee has encouraged States Parties in collaboration with the Advisory Bodies and World Heritage Centre to seek to address their skill gaps and to strengthen their competencies, as well as those of managers, communities and local communities in order to address the particular challenges of sites of memory associated with recent conflicts, including the preparation of nominations and the future interpretation of these sites (Decision: 18 EXT.COM 4).

To strengthen the capacities of heritage practitioners in the field of presentation and interpretation of World Heritage sites, the African World Heritage Fund (AWHF), the International Centre for the Interpretation and Presentation of World Heritage Sites (WHIPIC) in partnership with the Ministry of National Unity and Civic Engagement of Rwanda (MINUBUMWE), is organizing the Workshop on Interpretation and Presentation of World Heritage Sites Associated with Memory of Recent Conflicts in Africa. The workshop will be held online from the 28th to the 31st of October 2024 and in-person from the 11th to the 15th of November 2024, in Kigali, Rwanda. 

This capacity building exercise is aligned with the priorities identified by African World Heritage site managers and National Focal Points in the Third Cycle Action Plan for World Heritage in Africa (2021-2027) and is part Memorandum of Agreement between AWHF and WHIPIC regarding collaboration in the implementation of World Heritage Convention in Africa, Asia and the Pacific Regions.

This initiative is supported by the Cultural Heritage Administration of the Republic of Korea and will be implemented in partnership with the State Party of Rwanda, the Africa Unit of the World Heritage Centre at UNESCO.


This workshop aims to strengthen the capacities of heritage practitioners to develop tools and strategies for interpretation and presentation of sites associated with memory of recent conflict in Africa through participatory processes. The workshop will also help to improve understanding amongst key stakeholders about the attributes and values of sites associated with memory of recent conflict within the framework of the World Heritage Convention. Specifically, the workshop aims to:

Raise awareness and understanding of heritage interpretation and presentation of World Heritage Sites Associated with Memory of Recent Conflicts in Africa;

Collect under-represented narratives of World Heritage Sites Associated with Memory of Recent Conflicts in Africa and;

Provide functional materials and examples for site managers to help them ensure that a diverse range of perspectives is considered in the heritage context, in particular that of World Heritage Sites Associated with Memory of Recent Conflicts in Africa.By doing so, the workshop ultimately aims to strengthen capacities for interpreting and presenting World Heritage properties, primarily related to World Heritage Sites Associated with Memory of Recent Conflicts in Africa.

Format of the Workshop 
The workshop will be provided in two sessions; online and in-person sessions. All participants need to attend all sessions during the workshop period.

The online sessions will be provided on Zoom. The online sessions will be operated interactively; therefore, all participants should attend the sessions where there is a good internet connection, microphone and speaker. The online session will focus on (i) World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation – Body of Knowledge; (ii) Sites of Memory in World Heritage – Issues and Challenges(iii) Inclusive Heritage Interpretation and Presentation for World Heritage properties in Africa; (vi) Sharing issues and challenges of WH sites by participant, and (v) Inclusive Heritage Interpretation Guidelines.

The virtual workshop will also allow participants to briefly present the profiles of their World Heritage properties (sites of memory) concerning status quo of interpretation and presentation. At the end of the online session, participants will be given an assignment to improve their case study (i.e., work on presentation and interpretation of their sites).

The in-person sessions will be held in Rwanda; the in-person sessions include lectures and seminars, group activities and discussion, as well as a site visit to a World Heritage property [Murambi Genocide Memorial Centre, Kigali Genocide Memorial and Nyamata Genocide Memorial Centres] in Rwanda. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in practical exercises and further the theoretical discussions focusing on a specific case study. This phase will comprise site visits and engagement with key stakeholders during field visits.

Communication Channel: All official information will be provided to the participants through email; WhatsApp group chat might be used for informal communication before, during and after the workshop.

Case study on World Heritage Sites Associated with Memory of Recent Conflicts in Africa
Each participant is required to submit a case study (approximately 500 words) describing a World Heritage Sites Associated with Memory of Recent Conflicts in Africa with which they have experience as a part of the application form. This experience will be presented during the course and will give participants a chance to become better acquainted with World Heritage in the region.The case study of World Heritage Sites Associated with Memory of Recent Conflicts in Africa must contain, at a minimum, the following sections, under the same headings:

Description of the World Heritage Sites Associated with Memory of Recent Conflicts.

Conservation, management, interpretation and presentation of the World Heritage Sites Associated with Memory of Recent Conflicts

Challenges facing the property regarding interpretation and presentation of the World Heritage Sites Associated with Memory of Recent Conflicts.

Good practices in the interpretation and presentation of the World Heritage Sites Associated with Memory of Recent Conflicts.

Benefits of Workshop on Interpretation & Presentation of UNESCO World Heritage Sites

The cost of the participant will be fully covered by WHIPIC, AWHF and the Government of Rwanda and shall include roundtrip travel ticket to the workshop, accommodation, meals and local transportation.

Workshop on Interpretation & Presentation of UNESCO World Heritage Sites Requirements

Participants for this workshop shall be selected based on the following criteria:

  • Have at least 5 years of experience working in the field of cultural and/or natural heritage, including World Heritage area; in particular with World Heritage Sites Associated with Memory of Recent Conflicts in Africa
  • Be fluent (speaking, reading and writing) in the working language of the workshop (English and French);
  • Demonstrable good knowledge of the World Heritage Convention and the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention;
  • Experience in heritage conservation and management, interpretation and presentation, research, data analysis and report writing in the field of cultural and/or natural heritage; in particular with World Heritage Sites Associated with Memory of Recent Conflicts in Africa
  • Be motivated, active and interested in engaging in the field of World Heritage;
  • Be responsible for their visa application. Note: The invitation letters will be provided from the Government of Rwanda to support participants’ visa application.
  • The country and gender balance will be prioritized.


Applications may be submitted in English or French.

Application Date and Process

Each applicant should submit the following application package:

The completed application form which includes:

  1. The completed application form which includes:
    • Statement of interest (a motivation detailing the applicant’s reasons for applying);
    • Presentation of a case study on a World] Heritage Sites Associated with Memory of Recent Conflicts in Africa including all the elements outlined in Section 4 of this call. If successful, the case study will be presented during the workshop.
  2. Curriculum Vitae (maximum 4 pages) outlining the applicant’s current position, qualifications, areas of expertise, work experience in the field of cultural and/or natural heritage including on World Heritage, publications/reports;
  3. A letter of support from the employer granting the applicant permission to attend workshop and confirming the employer’s willingness to support the applicant in follow up assignments (e.g., writing of essay on the case study for publication) as part of this programme, if the applicant is selected.

To submit your application, APPLY HERE, by no later than 6 October 2024.For any queries regarding the application process please contact the Partnership Officer at the AWHF, Ms. Bridget Dube, ([email protected]), with cc to the Head of Education and Networking Office at the WHIPIC, Ms Haeree Shim ([email protected]).

Application Deadline

06 October, 2024

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