WISE Scholarship Program at Hokkaido University Japan 2023 [Fully Funded]

The The World Leading Innovative and Smart Education (WISE) Program Scholarship is currently open for applications at Hokkaido University School/ Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Interested and qualified international students are invited to apply for the WISE scholarship program in Veterinary Medicine/Infectious Disease.

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About WISE Scholarship Program at Hokkaido University Japan

Opportunity Details

The School of Veterinary Medicine has set degree conferral standards that ensure the specific abilities required of ideal veterinarians in the Cooperative Veterinary Education Program, VetNorth Japan, which is jointly offered by the Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, and grants a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine to students who have developed the requisite abilities and acquired the necessary credits.

Benefits of WISE Scholarship Program at Hokkaido University Japan

  • Free enrollment fee
  • Free examination fee
  • Tuition fee exempted and a
  • Stipend allowance of 145,000 YEN per month

WISE Scholarship Program at Hokkaido University Japan Requirements

  • Applicants must be international student.
  • An understanding of standards of conduct that are based on the logic and ethics needed for veterinarians in their duties
  • Proficient knowledge and skills on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases, as well as on the maintenance and improvement of animal health and public health.
  • The international perspectives, expertise and specialized skills necessary to contribute to the solving of global issues such as food supply stability, the hygienic management of livestock animals, the safety of livestock products, and the control of zoonoses.
  • Through research experience on leading-edge life sciences, problem-solving abilities based on veterinary medicine and the ability to conduct international activities for new discoveries related to life phenomena and drug development.

Application Date and Process

Interested  candidates for Hokkaido University WISE Scholarship Program are required to enrolled and accepted in the Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine or Graduate School of Infectious Diseases, thereafter proceed to forward the following documents to through the email- [email protected]. You should refer to the guideline and instructions to guide you through the application.

Scholarship Application Portal

Apply for WISE Scholarship Program at Hokkaido University Japan

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