WIDU.africa’s Thematic Call: GreenGhana for Small Businesses

Are you an entrepreneur running a small enterprise (SME) in Ghana and looking to upgrade your business? Apply now for WIDU.africa’s next Thematic Call #GreenGhana. Entrepreneurs with sustainable & innovative business models can receive a Grant and free Business Coaching to develop their businesses further.

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About WIDU.africa’s Thematic Call 2024

Opportunity Details

Small businesses with green business models have the potential to contribute significantly to sustainability goals, elevating the standard of living for community members and fostering regional and national development. These enterprises can achieve financial success by focusing on sustainable green projects while generating substantial societal benefits. By providing communities with sustainable and affordable solutions, small enterprises can address the key drivers of poverty and reduce carbon emissions simultaneously. These positive societal and economic impacts are driven by a combination of factors, including:

  • Creating local renewable energy jobs
  • Reducing health risks, costs, and burdens
  • Reducing energy costs 
  • Improving energy resilience.

Benefits of WIDU.africa’s Thematic Call 2024

With the Thematic Call #GreenGhana, the entrepreneur’s investment is multiplied by 2.5:
- Minimum: For a Private Investment of 500 EUR (approx. 8,000 GHS), you will receive 1,250 EUR Grant (approx. 20,000 GHS).
- Maximum: For a Private Investment of 2,000 EUR (aprox. 32,000 GHS), you will receive 5,000 EUR Grant (aprox. 80,000 GHS).

WIDU.africa’s Thematic Call 2024 Requirments

- Applicant must be 18 y/o or older
- Applicant must be a Ghanaian national
- Applicant must be the business owner
- The business must have been operational for at least one year. A proof of existence is required.
- The business must be a small or medium-sized enterprise with less than 20 employees.
- The business must aim at job creation, particularly jobs for women
- If you have already participated in WIDU’s Thematic Call #Digitalization Call that we offered last year in Ghana, your project must be fully closed.

Application Date and Process

The application process consists of three phases:

  1. Registration and Business Description: Entrepreneurs register, describe their business, and outline how they plan to use their private investment and the WIDU Grant, including completing a business plan.
  2. Private Investment and Documentation: Entrepreneurs spend their private investment according to the investment plan and upload receipts to the platform to verify the investments.
  3. Grant Investment: Entrepreneurs receive and use the WIDU Grant as outlined in their business plan, documenting their investments on the platform. During this process, entrepreneurs receive three free coaching sessions.

Click on the link to the application website to get started.

Application Deadline

16 August, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of WIDU.africa’s Thematic Call 2024

Apply for WIDU.africa’s Thematic Call 2024

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