WASCAL Master Research Programme in Informatics for Climate Change 2024/2025 (Fully Funded Scholarship)

Applications for the WASCAL Master Research Programme in Informatics for Climate Change 2024/2025 (Fully Funded Scholarship) are now open. Click here to learn more about this opportunity.

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About WASCAL Master Research Programme

Opportunity Details

WASCAL is a wholly West African international organization with focus on academic and transdisciplinary research, building graduate-level scientific capacity and serving policy makers in West Africa with science-based advice on adaptation to climate change impacts and land use management.


The Université Joseph KI-ZERBO, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, is pleased to announce for application for its fifth batch of students to the study of Master Research Programme in Informatics for Climate Change (MRP-ICC) in Burkina Faso under the Capacity Building Programme of West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL), with funding from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).


The time frame for the master’s programme is two years. During the first-year, students participate in the course programme of their Master Research Programme and work on their research outline. Research will be conducted during the second year within a period of six to nine months. Students would be expected to complete their thesis and internships with relevant government ministries, the national meteorological/hydrological agencies or relevant industry during the last three to six months of their study. 

The 24 months full time programme has the following components: i) Preparatory phase: four (04) months of language proficiency courses in English language for francophones and lusophones at the University of Cape Coast in Ghana; and French language for anglophones, at the University of Lomé in Togo;

ii) Lectures – 14 months, comprising 3 semesters at the Université Joseph KI-ZERBO (UJKZ); i
ii) Research proposal preparation – concurrent with (
ii) above; iv) Internship/Field/Research work/ – 4 months. Students are expected to select topics that are in line with the research agenda, mission and objectives of WASCAL; v) Final thesis write-up and defense – 2 months.

  • Sponsor Organisation: WASCAL

Benefits of WASCAL Master Research Programme

WASCAL will grant scholarships to selected students in the Master Research programme in Informatics for Climate Change. The scholarship is extended every year after successful completion of the study programme. 

The scholarship includes: monthly stipend to cover accommodation, and living expenses for the period of studies; payment of university fees; research budget; a personal laptop computer on loan for the duration of the programme.


WASCAL Master Research Programme Requirments

Candidates applying for Master Research Programme in Informatics for Climate Change must have a minimum of BSc degree (second class upper division) or equivalent in Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Health sciences, Meteorology and Climate science, Geography, Biological sciences, Geoscience, Environmental Sciences, Economics, Agriculture, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Engineering, Electrical engineering, Electronic Engineering. 

Other general requirements include:
1. Citizen of WASCAL member country. 
2. Proficiency in English Language will be an addition.


Application Date and Process

Click on the link to the application website to begin your application process.

Application Deadline

15 June, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of WASCAL Master Research Programme

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