Urban Studies Foundation (USF) International Fellowships (2024)

Applications are invited to the USF’s International Fellowships for urban scholars from the Global South. Click here to learn more about this opportunity and apply for it.

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About Urban Studies Foundation (USF) International Fellowships

Opportunity Details

Each award will cover the cost of a visiting sabbatical period at a host university of the candidate’s choice, for the purpose of writing-up the candidate’s existing research findings in the form of publishable articles and/or a book. The proposed work should be completed under the guidance of a chosen mentor in the candidate’s field of study. Funding is available for a period ranging between 3-9 months, and eligible research may cover any theme pertinent to a better understanding of urban realities in the Global South.


Benefits of Urban Studies Foundation (USF) International Fellowships

  • Fully-funded fellowship

Urban Studies Foundation (USF) International Fellowships Requirements

Applicants must be early-to-mid career urban scholars holding a PhD awarded within the preceding 10 years (by the submission deadline) who currently work in a university or other research institution within the Global South. Candidates must also be nationals of a country in the Global South, defined as any country on the present OECD list of ODA recipients (2024-2025).


The candidate must make suitable arrangements to be mentored by a senior urban scholar at their chosen host organisation. Eligible host organisations may be anywhere worldwide, and Fellowships based in Global South regions are equally encouraged. Further Particulars are available to download below and must be consulted before applying to the scheme. Guidelines for prospective host organisations and mentors are also available to download below.


The financial support of the Fellowship is intended to meet accommodation and subsistence needs while staying at the host university, return travel, and assistance towards some research costs. There is also a small budget available for the mentor to assist the Fellow to meet their intended research aims should this be appropriate. Short-listed candidates may also apply for a small supplemental grant if they have extra-ordinary costs arising due to caring responsibilities or disability. Fellowships should begin no earlier than September 2024, and no later than one year after the application deadline. Candidates are normally expected to be notified of an outcome within twelve weeks of the application deadline.

Application Date and Process

Candidates must complete the online application form below no later than the advertised deadline.

A link to the online application form can be found below, along with an application template (.docx) that may be used for offline preparation beforehand (recommended).

The application must include:

    • Applicant information: contact details, recent education, recent academic roles, a short career statement, proof of nationality, and the names and contact details of two academic referees.
    • Proposed fellowship information: dates, mentorship, and host organisation arrangements.
    • Budget: all cost items and suitable evidence for any items above GBP 500.
    • Research proposal: outline of the planned research, intended outputs, the reasons for the choice of the host organisation, and a statement of how the candidate’s chosen mentor will support and facilitate the proposed research.
    • Applicant CV listing academic achievements and publications (3 pages maximum).
    • Short CV from the mentor which includes any previous mentoring experience (3 pages maximum).
    • Mentor’s supporting letter stating their willingness to act as a Mentor to the Fellow, and detailing the suitability of the host organisation for the proposed Fellowship in reference to the Host Organisation and Mentorship Guidelines (2 pages maximum).

All applicants will be requested to complete an anonymous Equality & Diversity monitoring survey after submitting their application. The survey and any information volunteered with it is anonymous and entirely separate from individual applications (it is not used in the assessment process). It is used only for monitoring who applies to USF awards on aggregate, so that the USF may regularly assess and improve how it advertises and administers its grant funding.

Decisions will normally be made within twelve weeks of the closing deadline for this award, and all applicants will be contacted regarding their application outcome. The USF regrets that it cannot offer any feedback on applications, and all decisions are final. Further information on the standard administration of all USF awards can be found in the USF Code of Practice.

Prospective applicants should ensure that they have carefully consulted the Further Particulars, FAQ, and Guidance for Host Organisations and Mentors documents below. Further questions regarding the International Fellowship award and application process should be addressed to the Urban Studies Foundation via email: [email protected]

Further Particulars


Guidance for Host Mentors and Organizations 

Application Template

  • Click on the link to the application website to apply.

Application Deadline

05 July, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

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