University of Sheffield UK 2023 The Dan Walker Journalism Scholarship 2023

The Department of Journalism Studies is delighted to offer two Dan Walker Journalism Scholarships worth £10,000 each for home fee paying students starting a taught postgraduate course in MA Broadcast Journalism in 2023.

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About University of Sheffield Dan Walker Journalism Scholarship

Opportunity Details

The scholarships are for students who meet at least one of our widening participation criteria. If your application is successful you can use the scholarship towards fees or living expenses – the choice is yours.

This is a fantastic opportunity for students on MA Broadcast Journalism to be mentored by one of the country's leading news and sports journalists and broadcasters. This will include support and advice from Dan on your career development.

Benefits of University of Sheffield Dan Walker Journalism Scholarship

 £10,000 each for home fee paying students.

University of Sheffield Dan Walker Journalism Scholarship Requirements

You can apply for a scholarship if you meet all of the following five criteria:

  • You are from a group that is evidentially under-represented among the institution's taught masters population - see the widening participation criteria below
  • You either already hold an offer of a place, or wish to apply, for MA Broadcast Journalism at the University of Sheffield. You will need to have applied for the course before the scholarship deadline to be considered
  • You are a home fee paying student
  • You are not already qualified at masters level, or higher
  • You are self-funding


Interview date, Process and Venue for University of Sheffield Masters Scholarship

There are two stages to the application and selection process which depend on whether or not you already hold an offer of a place on MA Broadcast Journalism for entry in September 2022.

  1. Existing offer holders: To access the application form you must select 'Apply Now', 'Click here if you are a prospective student' then 'Need an account? Sign up here'.

  2. New course applicants: In order to be eligible to apply for the scholarship you must have applied for a place on MA Broadcast Journalism before the scholarship closing date of 1pm on 29 June 2023. You can still apply for the course after this date, but you will no longer be eligible to apply for a scholarship. To apply for a course please use our Postgraduate Online Application Form

Application Date and Process

Interested and qualified? Go to University of Sheffield on to apply

Application Deadline

06 July, 2023

Scholarship Application Portal

Apply for University of Sheffield Dan Walker Journalism Scholarship

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