United Nations-Austria Symposium 2024 on Climate Action

Registration for the United Nations-Austria Symposium 2024 is now open. This initiative focuses on “Climate action: transforming space-based technology projects into sustainable services that support policy-making.”

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About United Nations-Austria Symposium

Opportunity Details

The symposium will address the crucial role of space applications and technologies in mitigating and adapting to the effects of climate change. It aims to fill the gap between technology providers, users, and the wider community. It facilitates knowledge exchange and collaboration to transition technical projects into sustainable services with measurable impacts successfully.

Space technologies hold promise in tackling climate change effects, aiding in areas like forest fires, floods, agriculture, and disaster management. However, many projects struggle or fail due to a lack of sustainable implementation. Transitioning from technical projects to long-lasting services requires understanding and integrating social, financial, and political dynamics.

The UN/Austria Symposium 2024 seeks to bridge this gap by fostering collaboration among space tech providers, users, and communities. It aims to raise awareness of the challenges in sustainable implementation and share successful strategies. Topics include government support, financing, capacity building, and impact measurement. The symposium encourages cross-sector collaboration and aims to generate actionable insights for climate action.

Abstract Submission Open

The UN/Austria Symposium accepts abstract submissions via the registration form until April 7, 2024. Abstracts must align with the symposium’s theme: advancing space-based technology projects into viable services. Ensure your submission relates to the symposium’s sub-themes for consideration. Late submissions will not be accepted.

  • Eligible Countries: Participants from developing countries


Benefits of United Nations-Austria Symposium

Fellows will benefit from the following items:

  • Financial Support: The UN offers funding for speakers from developing countries selected based on their nationality and professional background. This support includes a round-trip air ticket and accommodation during the symposium.
  • Networking Opportunities: Engagement with the diplomatic community, international organizations, and experts in the field
  • Knowledge Exchange: Access to presentations, panel discussions, and case studies on successful climate action initiatives
  • Health Insurance: Participants must arrange their health insurance for the duration of the event. UNOOSA will not cover medical expenses.
  • Sponsorship: The Symposium is organized by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs and Austria, with support from various organizations, including the Austrian government, the European Space Agency, and local institutions.

United Nations-Austria Symposium Requirments

All applicants should meet the following criteria:

  • Nationality: Speakers from developing countries
  • Professional/Academic Background: Relevant experience in climate action, space technology, or related fields
  • Language Proficiency: Proficiency in English (the working language of the symposium)
  • Commitment: Willingness to participate actively in discussions and share experiences

Program Components and Themes

The symposium features:

  • Keynote presentations by invited speakers.
  • Speakers will present briefly during panel discussions, followed by moderated discussions and audience Q&A.
  • Country case panel discussions.
  • Video pitches introducing projects or initiatives in under 3 minutes.
  • Social events, including evening receptions and a guided tour of Graz (TBC)
  • Networking opportunities.


Following are the discussion sub-themes for the 2024 Symposium:

  1. Funding and Financing: Discuss achieving long-term financing, successful public-private partnerships, and maintaining financial viability; speakers will share experiences transitioning from pilot projects to sustainable services and explore various financing options.
  2. User Engagement and Capacity Building: Focus on engaging users during development stages, ensuring solutions meet their needs, and building user capabilities for sustainable support. Speakers will share success stories and practical approaches for identifying and addressing local needs.
  3. Making Success Visible: Exploration of measuring and communicating project impacts effectively, scaling Success, and adopting inclusive approaches. Speakers will discuss success factors, impact-oriented approaches, and monitoring and evaluation methods.
  4. Role of Governments and Intergovernmental Agencies: Examining government roles in fostering successful initiatives, promoting cooperation between stakeholders, and supporting user uptake, speakers will share approaches for integrating space solutions into policy areas.

Required Documents

Please prepare and submit these items for consideration:

  • Abstract: Submission aligning with the symposium theme and sub-themes, focusing on successful implementations and measurable impacts
  • Registration: Completion of the registration form before the specified deadlines

Application Date and Process

  • Abstract Submission: Submit the abstract through the registration form before April 7, 2024
  • Registration: Complete the form by the specified in-person or online attendance deadlines (10th of July 2024)

Application Deadline

07 April, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

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