UNDP’s Acceleration Pilot Program 2024 for African Artificial Intelligence (AI) Startups

Applications are now open for UNDP’s Acceleration Pilot Program 2024 for African Artificial Intelligence (AI) Startups. The AI Hub for Sustainable Development Co-Design: Startup Acceleration Pilot is designed to inform the design and development of the AI Hub for Sustainable Development, co-led by the Italian G7 Presidency and the United Nations Development Programme.

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About UNDP’s Acceleration Pilot Program 2024

Opportunity Details

The opportunity

Africa stands at the threshold of a powerful AI revolution. To harness its potential for addressing the continent's most pressing issues and drive inclusive and responsible growth, a collaborative effort to propel AI is needed. A unified approach is required to shape the pillars of AI development, namely data, compute and talent. Risks abound in the absence of collective action and an enabling ecosystem, which can limit AI’s potential for sustainable development.

The private sector – including the burgeoning AI/tech startup ecosystem and continental/global private sector companies – can play a critical role in closing the various gaps related to data, compute and talent.   

  • Green Compute: private sector responsible innovations and partnerships to increase access to and affordability of compute
  • Talent: private sector innovations, particularly with universities and research institutes, to build talent networks, addressing skill gaps through work-integrated learning  
  • Data: private sector innovations to increase data quality and accessibility and create data public goods

The AI Hub for Sustainable Development Co-Design: Startup Acceleration Pilot is designed to inform the design and development of the AI Hub for Sustainable Development, co-led by the Italian G7 Presidency and the United Nations Development Programme. This involves the participation of partners supporting the learning journey of this pilot, which include the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), CDP Venture Capital SGR (CDP), the Italian Innovation and Culture Hub (INNOVIT), and ITU AI for Good.

The Startup Acceleration Pilot

Running from September to October 2024, this pilot programme aims to foster innovation and partnerships in data, compute, and talent pipelines—the three critical pillars underpinning local AI ecosystems in Africa. By focusing on these foundational elements, the pilot programme seeks to address the need for an integrated private sector approach to mitigate risks and unlock the transformative power of AI for sustainable development. It aims to support innovations that are locally based and put people and sustainability at the centre, ensuring that innovations benefit communities in countries where the innovations are designed. 

As part of the programme, selected startups will have the opportunity to participate in an ecosystem-building event hosted by INNOVIT and the Italian G7 Presidency in San Francisco, California, USA on 12 - 14 November 2024. During the event, selected startups will have the chance to showcase their innovative solutions, attract potential investment, form strategic partnerships, and network with INNOVIT's start-up network and Silicon Valley AI leaders.






Open Call 19 Jul - 5 Aug  Global Call for Applications
Selection 5 Aug - 15 Aug Selection Process
Notification 15 Aug Notify Applicants



Prep Period 1 Sep - 15 Oct Prep Programme


Please note that some of these dates might be subject to slight changes.

San Francisco
8 Nov - 15 Nov Global Networking
Demo 11 Nov - 13 Nov Demo Days



Mentorship   Mentorship and Skill Enhancement
    Ongoing Support and access to an alumni network and webinars


Benefits of UNDP’s Acceleration Pilot Program 2024

  • Selected startups will have the opportunity to participate in an ecosystem-building event hosted by INNOVIT and the Italian G7 Presidency in San Francisco, California, USA on 12 - 14 November 2024. During the event, selected startups will have the chance to showcase their innovative solutions, attract potential investment, form strategic partnerships, and network with INNOVIT's start-up network and Silicon Valley AI leaders.

UNDP’s Acceleration Pilot Program 2024 Requirments

Eligible applicants must:

  1. Be based in one of the nine pilot countries outlined in the Italy-Africa Mattei Plan: Algeria, Republic of the Congo (Congo Brazzaville), Côte D'Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco, Mozambique, or Tunisia
  2. Develop or be aspiring to develop AI solutions that address one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a focus on Education and Training, Energy, Health, Agriculture, Water, and Infrastructure (both physical and digital)
  3. Contribute to one of the three pillars of the AI Hub for Sustainable Development: 
    • Compute distribution and affordability
    • Talent development and orchestration
    • Data quality, accessibility, and digitization 
  4. Demonstrate a commitment to responsible and sustainable AI development and deployment practices
  5. Demonstrate professional-level proficiency in English. English is a requirement for at least one member of your team (who will also be expected to participate in the in-person activities of the programme)


Application Date and Process

The Call for Applications will run from 19 July to 5 August 2024. Applicants are required to submit the following materials: 

  1. A completed application form addressing eligibility, project details, and motivation for applying
  2. A concise yet detailed company profile document (maximum 2 pages), providing an overview of the startup(s), mission, and key team members
  3. A PDF or PowerPoint pitch deck (maximum 15 slides) clearly communicating the AI solution, its potential impact, and vision for growth


All materials must be submitted by 5 August 2024, 11:59 UTC+3. Only complete applications received by this deadline will be considered.

A committee of stakeholders from various sectors will evaluate the applications based on eligibility criteria and alignment with the programme's objectives. 

Application Deadline

05 August, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of UNDP’s Acceleration Pilot Program 2024

Apply for UNDP’s Acceleration Pilot Program 2024

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