TWAS-CAS Young Scientists Award for Frontier Science 2024 (Up to $10,000)

Applications are open TWAS-CAS Young Scientists Award for Frontier Science 2024. Click here to learn more about this offer. 

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About TWAS-CAS Young Scientists Award for Frontier Science

Opportunity Details

This annual prize was instituted in 2020 to recognize the scientific achievements of young scientists who work and reside in developing countries.

The topic alternates between several scientific domains. The 2020, 2021, 2022, and 20230 awards honored accomplishments in the fields of mathematics and artificial intelligence (AI), earth sciences, astronomy and cosmology, and physical sciences, in that order.

Benefits of TWAS-CAS Young Scientists Award for Frontier Science

  • Lenovo, the biggest PC manufacturer in the world and a leader in consumer, business, and enterprise technology, sponsors $10,000 for each of the beneficiaries.

TWAS-CAS Young Scientists Award for Frontier Science Requirments

  • Young scientists (not older than 45) who are citizens of developing nations and who have lived and worked in those nations for at least two years prior to their nomination are eligible candidates.
  • The prize will be given in 2024 to honor accomplishments in the biological sciences.
  • Nominations from the jury members or from themselves will not be taken into consideration. TWAS fellows are not qualified.
  • In a given year, a nominee is not permitted to submit more than one “Fellows of TWAS Awards” nomination. The nominators themselves will ultimately decide whether or not to move the nomination, however the secretariat reserves the right to alert the pertinent nominators to the possibility that the nomination may be better suited for another prize.

Selection Criteria:

  • The winner is chosen based only on scientific merit. TWAS will conduct a pre-screening of the nominees. The members of the jury will then review the nomination dossiers of the eligible applicants. The winner will be chosen in accordance with this judgment.

Application Date and Process


  • Clicking on the link to the application website at the bottom of this page is the sole way to electronically submit a nomination through the online platform.
  • Prior to beginning the nomination compilation process, PLEASE PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE MAXIMUM CHARACTERS ALLOWED.

Only when a nomination contains all of the following data or supporting materials is it deemed complete:

  • Contact information for the nominator;
  • Contact information for the candidate (self nominations are not allowed);
  • General facts about the nominee, such as the nation in which he or she has resided and worked for the last two years;
  • Permission from the nominee, or candidate, to use their personal information for the nomination procedure in accordance with Article 13 of Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003. Only the online platform may be used to submit this authorization. You can download the privacy authorization form under the “nominee’s personal data” section. The candidate must complete and sign the form before uploading it to the website;
  • Recommended citation (15–20 words that reflect the nominee’s accomplishments in the earth sciences);
  • Statement in support of the nominee’s work in the biological sciences. The candidate’s work should be thoroughly explained in the supporting statements, along with its importance within the pertinent scientific framework. The nominee’s work’s scientific impact should be mentioned explicitly. Insufficient justifications will not be taken into account and will have a detrimental impact on the assessment;
  • A thorough and comprehensive report of any time the nominee has spent overseas during the last two years;
  • PhD: details on the field, year, and university that awards the degree;
  • A succinct description of academy and society membership;
  • A synopsis of the honors and awards obtained;
  • 10 most important articles enumerated in a format that is widely accepted;
  • The online platform requires the nominee to upload both their comprehensive list of publications and a concise curriculum vitae in isolation.

Application Deadline

10 May, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of TWAS-CAS Young Scientists Award for Frontier Science

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