The Humanitarian Innovation Call for Projects (APIH) in France

Applications are now open for Humanitarian Innovation Projects, which aim to establish impactful solutions benefiting the entire sector and enhancing the effectiveness of humanitarian and emergency responses.


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About The Humanitarian Innovation Call for Projects (APIH)

Opportunity Details

The “Humanitarian Innovation” Call for Projects (APIH) is an annual financing instrument initiated by the Humanitarian and Stabilization Operations Center (COHS) in 2021. It aims to support innovative and structural humanitarian projects led by local and international NGOs specializing in emergency responses. The APIH aligns with the goals set forth by the French National Humanitarian Conference (CNH) and the Emergency Humanitarian Fund (FUH) audit recommendations. It seeks to foster the development of impactful solutions within the humanitarian sector and promote collaboration and synergy among humanitarian actors.

In 2024, the APIH focuses on addressing evolving challenges in the humanitarian sector. Specifically, it supports initiatives related to:

  • It integrates gender issues in humanitarian action and emergency response, focusing on women and girls.
  • It addresses climate change’s impact on humanitarian crises and reduces the environmental footprint of humanitarian activities.
  • They are protecting the humanitarian space, civilians, and humanitarian personnel and combating impunity for crimes against them.

Benefits of The Humanitarian Innovation Call for Projects (APIH)

The winning projects will benefit from the program as follows:

  • Selected projects will receive financial support through grants ranging from €200,000 to €1,000,000.
  • Additionally, successful applicants will benefit from expert guidance and networking opportunities provided by the COHS.

The Humanitarian Innovation Call for Projects (APIH) Requirments

Following are the eligibility and ineligibility criteria for the 2024 APIH:


  • Open to international and local humanitarian NGOs working individually or in consortiums.
  • Each organization (including consortiums) can submit only one project.
  • Project budgets must fall between €200,000 and €1,000,000.
  • Project durations should be between 12 and 18 months, from November 1, 2024 onwards.


  • Projects lacking sufficient innovation for the humanitarian sector
  • Projects focused solely on a specific geographical area with no plan for wider replication
  • Projects intended for development assistance.
  • Projects not aligned with the specified priorities.
  • Projects are solely centered on communication, information, and awareness.
  • Submission of more than one project proposal by an organization
  • Projects proposed by private companies, research centers, public institutions, and international organizations

Required Documents

Applicants should submit the following materials:

Selection Process

The selection process highlights are as follows:

  • Initial Application (April 8 to May 31, 2024):Submit required documents to [email protected]
  • Preselection (June 2024): Shortlisted projects notified by COHS staff for further review and possible requests for additional information.
  • Final Selection (First half of July 2024):Selected NGOs will receive a call from the COHS for project processing.

Application Date and Process

Interested applicants should submit their applications via email to the submission address below:

Shortlisted projects will be reviewed and may require additional information before the final selection.

Submission Address: [email protected]


Application Deadline

31 May, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of The Humanitarian Innovation Call for Projects (APIH)

Apply for The Humanitarian Innovation Call for Projects (APIH)

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