The British Academy Call for Proposals on Women and Climate Action 2024

The British Academy has launched a call for proposals focusing on women and climate action, welcoming researchers from various countries to participate in collaborative research endeavors.

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About Proposals on Women and Climate Action

Opportunity Details

This initiative fosters international partnerships and produces policy-relevant insights to address the challenges of women and climate action.

Also, this call aims to facilitate ODA-eligible international research collaborations between humanities and social sciences researchers in the UK and those in various countries, focusing on women and climate action. Applications that do not meet ODA eligibility criteria will not proceed through the assessment process.

While not mandatory, applications across humanities and social sciences and natural, medical, and engineering sciences are encouraged. The Academy aims to support policy-relevant research, whether novel or building on existing work in women and climate action. The focus is on projects that bring genuine added value to addressing program aims and challenges in policy regarding women and climate action.

The Academy envisions the program will:

  • Foster international collaborations between UK-based researchers and those from Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines, South Africa, Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam, or Least Developed Countries.
  • Deliver policy-relevant research on women and climate action, offering actionable insights at local, national, or regional levels.
  • Engage with local and national stakeholders to develop and embed research findings.

Funding is available by Official Development Assistance (ODA). Thus, applications must meet ODA eligibility

Benefits of Proposals on Women and Climate Action

The following are the benefits and financial aids of the program:

  • Funding up to £200,000 is available.
  • The funding can cover various expenses, including researchers’ time, research assistance, training and development, travel, fieldwork, networking, and university costs.
  • Awards are on80% full economic cost.

Proposals on Women and Climate Action Requirements

Applicants should meet these requirements to submit a proposal:

  • Each project must have a named Principal Investigator (PI) from the social sciences or humanities.
  • The PI must be a postdoctoral researcher or above with an established role in an eligible university or research institute.
  • Co-applicants must also be at the postdoctoral level or above.
  • If the PI is from the UK, at least one co-applicant must be from an eligible developing country.
  • If the PI is from an eligible developing country, at least one co-applicant must be from the UK.
  • Research must address issues directly relevant to developing countries to be considered ODA eligible.

Application Date and Process

  • Click on the link to the application website 

Application Deadline

10 April, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of Proposals on Women and Climate Action

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