The Avery Review, a journal of critical essays on architecture published by the Office of Publications at Columbia University's Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, invites submissions for its eighth annual Essay Prize. The call is open to current students (undergraduate and masters) and recent graduates, whether in schools of architecture or elsewhere.
Opportunity Details
In keeping with the mission of the journal, they hope to receive submissions that use the genres of the review and the critical essay to explore the urgent questions animating the field of architecture. They are looking for essays that test and expand the author's own intellectual commitments-theoretical, architectural, and political-through the work of others.
Participating in the Avery Review Essay Prize offers compelling benefits:
1. Open to:
2. Applicants can be from any field of study that engages with architecture as a subject, not just architecture programs.
Submissions for the Avery Review Essay Prize should take the form of critical essays on books, buildings, and other architectural media, broadly defined. They are delighted to receive work that was developed in the context of classes and seminars as well as independent writing.
Their essays are typically 3,000-4,500 words in length and have some object of review at their core. They like stylish, concise, accessible, and earnestly felt writing. Texts should be submitted as double-spaced Word files without images; you may provide six to eight images compiled into a separate PDF (keep attachments to 3MB max).
Submissions should be emailed to [email protected].
Apply for Avery Review Essay Prize