Scroll of Honor Award 2024 by UN-Habitat

Nominations are open for the 2024 UN-Habitat Scroll of Honour Award. This prestigious recognition is presented to individuals and organizations for their remarkable contributions to sustainable urban development and improving the quality of urban life worldwide.

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About Scroll of Honor Award 2024

Opportunity Details

The UN-Habitat Scroll of Honor Award, established in 1989, is one of the world’s most prestigious human settlements awards. It aims to recognize initiatives that have made outstanding contributions to human settlements, housing provision, highlighting the plight of people living in poverty or who have been displaced, developing and improving human settlements & the quality of urban life to leave no one behind, echoing the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 with a focus on Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities.

Benefits of Scroll of Honor Award 2024

  • Up to 5 winners will be chosen and awarded at the Global Observance of World Habitat Day on Monday, 7 October 2024.
  • International exposure through exhibitions, publications, and media coverage

Scroll of Honor Award 2024 Requirments

Eligibility criteria for UN-Habitat Scroll of Honour nominations are as follows:

    • Individuals and organizations contributing to sustainable urban projects with significant societal impact are eligible for nomination
  • Eligible nominees include:
    • Government and intergovernmental organizations/agencies
    • Local/regional governments or associations
    • Civil society organizations
    • Private sector entities
    • National habitat committees or focal points
    • Research and academic institutions
    • Public or private foundations
    • Multilateral agencies (e.g., UN agencies, World Bank)
    • Media representatives
    • Individual contributors
  • Nominations must come from a third party.
  • Examples of eligible nominations:
    • Governments nominating ministry programs or institutes
    • Institutes nominating other institutes, NGOs, or individuals
    • University heads nominate professors from different institutions
    • Cities nominating government representatives, programs, projects, universities, or NGOs
    • Individuals nominate institutions or programs, provided they have no affiliation with them.

Selection Process

Following is the Selection Process Overview:

    • After the deadline on 17 May 2024, UN-Habitat conducts an initial assessment of nominations and submissions.
    • Qualifying submissions are reviewed by a Selection Committee comprising UN-Habitat experts and senior management.
    • The Selection Committee recommends winning entries, which are then endorsed by a panel of experts and senior leaders.
    • The Executive Director makes the final selection of up to five UN-Habitat Scroll of Honour winners.

Notification and Awards:

    • Nominees are notified of the outcome from 15 July 2024 onwards.
    • Winners receive their awards during the Global Observance of World Habitat Day on 7 October 2024.

Information Required

Main Achievements Outline are as follows:

    1. Background: Detailed information about the nominated organization or individual, covering their mission, goals, history, and experience in human settlements.
    2. Initiative or Project Description: Overview of the addressed situation or problem, objectives, target beneficiaries, investment (including capacity, material, and financial resources), activities, duration, achievements, and outputs (with evidence).
    3. Main Partners: Listing partners, their roles, and levels of participation in planning, design, implementation, and funding.
    4. Impact: Estimation of beneficiaries, beneficiary types (e.g., women, children, people in poverty), and impact on living conditions (social, economic, environmental, health, education, employment, tenure security, crime), with quantitative and qualitative values.
    5. Transferability and Upscaling: Indicating replicability as best practice, the potential for replication at various levels (local, national, regional, global), with an explanation of the replication process.
    6. Innovation and Recognition: Description of innovation aspects, with a list of references, articles, publications, and media reports about the initiative, prioritizing recent ones and including URLs.
    7. Relationship with Best Practice: Explanation of how the initiative relates to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 on sustainable cities and communities, particularly to its ten targets or 15 indicators.
    8. Relationship with World Habitat Day Theme: Description of the initiative’s connection to the World Habitat Day theme, “Engaging youth to create a better urban future,” and its role in economic recovery post-crisis (e.g., conflicts, pandemics), emphasizing cities’ significance.

Application Date and Process

Click on the link to the application website to nominate

  • Nomination Timeline:
    • Nominations close: Friday, 17 May 2024
    • Award presentation: Monday, 7 October 2024, at the Global Observance of World Habitat Day.
  • Nomination Process:
    • Submit the online form in English.
    • Self-nominations, own organizations, programs, institutes, or projects are not accepted.
    • Ministries cannot nominate their projects or programs.

Application Deadline

17 May, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of Scroll of Honor Award 2024

Apply for Scroll of Honor Award 2024

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