Applications for the Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowships 2025/2026 are now open. The Royal Academy of Engineering offers Research Fellowships each year to outstanding early-career researchers to support them to become future research leaders in engineering.
Opportunity Details
The scheme's objectives are to:
The Academy welcomes applications from early-career researchers worldwide who have been awarded their PhD in the last four years. The scheme is funded by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) and provides funding for five years. Additionally, the UK based medical charity, Rosetrees, has co-funded two awardees from our previous cohorts. Each application is capped at a maximum contribution from the Academy of £625,000 over the five-year period, at 80% of full economic costs. Research Fellowships must be held at a UK higher education institution/university or at a UK research organisation eligible to receive UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funding.
Unlike previous rounds, the 2025/26 round would only include the Research Fellowship scheme and the Engineering for Development Research Fellowship (EDRF) scheme has been removed. However, we will continue to accept applications under the EDRF umbrella in the current round and they would be treated no differently to Research Fellowship applications.
In addition to the direct financial support, the scheme benefits include:
1. Research Fellowships must be held at one of the following eligible institutions that can show it is capable of fully supporting an engineering-focused research project and researcher:
2. The host institution must agree to provide the Research Fellow all the support normal for a permanent employee.
3. The proposed research project must be in an engineering subject area. Engineering is defined in its broadest sense, encompassing a wide range of diverse fields.
4. Research Fellowships are aimed at early-career researchers. Applicants must have a PhD, which was awarded (or the PhD has been unconditionally approved) no more than four years before the submission deadline: Wednesday 17 September 2025. This period includes applicants’ work experience in academia or/and in industry in the UK or/and worldwide. A margin of up to three months more than the four-year limit is acceptable. If applicants have had maternity/paternity leave or other extenuating circumstances (e.g. extended sick leave, national service, caring responsibilities and relocation due to fear of persecution or human rights violation), this will be taken into consideration if the relevant dates and details are provided in the application form.
5. Previously Research Fellowships could be held part time but must have been the only form of employment, however from round 25 this requirement has been removed. The part-time requirement is limited to a minimum of 50% of the fellowship time. The other source of employment should be external to the host organisation, such as industry, government, or other stakeholders. The request for a part-time Research Fellowship (at no less than 50% of full-time equivalent) must be clearly stated within the application. Alternatively, the Research Fellowship can be converted from full time to part time, or from part time to full time, during the fellowship, assuming the host institution supports the request. 
6. There are no nationality and age restrictions for applicants. The host institution is responsible for securing all necessary work permits and related costs for the Research Fellows.
7. Applicants who have applied to this scheme before and were unsuccessful are eligible to reapply. These applications will be considered as new applications.
8. Research Fellowships must begin between 1 August 2026 and 31 October 2026. The duration of a Research Fellowship is five years full time, calculated on a pro-rata basis for part-time awards. Requests for a shorter Research Fellowship are not accepted.
9. There is a limit on the number of applications each host institution can submit. More information in the Applicant Guidance Notes.
Research Fellowships must be held at one of the following eligible institutions that can show it is capable of fully supporting an engineering-focused research project and researcher:
In addition, the host institution must agree to provide the Research Fellow all the support normal for a permanent employee. Research Fellowships cannot be jointly hosted by multiple institutions.
There is a limit on the number of applications each host institution can submit. Host institutions are likely to have an internal selection process that applicants must find out in advance.
There are no nationality and age restrictions for applicants. The host institution is responsible for securing all necessary work permits and related costs for the Research Fellows.
Please read the Applicant Guidance Notes 2025/26 for full details of the research fellowship schemes and how to apply.
Applications must be submitted via the Academy's Grants Management System (GMS).
Supporting Documents
If you have any questions or queries, please refer to the FAQ page.
If your question is not covered in the FAQs, please contact the Research team: [email protected]