Join the NHS Global Fellowships 2025: Transform Your Career with International Experience

Recruitment for the February 2025 cohort of NHS Global Fellowships is now open. Click here to learn more about this opportunity and apply for it.

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About NHS Global Fellowships

Opportunity Details

What is an NHS Global Fellowship?

NHS Global Fellowships offer volunteer reciprocal leadership development opportunities for clinical and non-clinical staff to experience health systems across the globe. Fellows focus on either quality improvement, research, or clinical projects, co-developed with local and/or national partners to enhance the patient experience, improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities. Returning Fellows demonstrate new skills, and improved motivation and resilience, contributing to career progression and retention within the health sector.

Benefits of NHS Global Fellowships

For a 6-month overseas Fellowship, we provide:

  • A fixed monthly living allowance to cover your in-country living costs and the basic expenses associated with your fellowship, such as:
  • Accommodation costs
  • Utility bills
  • Food 
  • Internet/mobile phone 
  • One return flight to the country and back to the UK
  • Any required entry visas and/or work permits or equivalent
  • Local transport essential for project work 
  • Personal accident and business travel insurance
  • Any recommended immunisations and/or anti-malarials.


For their Thailand Fellowships (12 months), their Overseas Partner provides:

  • A fixed monthly living allowance and accommodation is provided by our Country Partner which should cover your in-country living costs, such as:
  • Accommodation costs
  • Utility bills
  • Food 
  • Internet/mobile phone
  • Local transport essential for project work 


For their Thailand Fellowships (12 months), they provide: 

  • One return flight to the country and back to the UK
  • Any required entry visas and/or work permits
  • Personal accident and business travel insurance
  • Any recommended immunisations and/or anti-malarials.

What you may need to cover or consider:

  • Pre-departure medical examination and dental check up  
  • Additional insurances for high value personal items and/or additional insurance for leisure activities and travel 
  • National insurance and pensions contributions (if applicable)  
  • Any professional memberships and registrations 

NHS Global Fellowships Requirments

What will an NHS Global Fellowship cost me?

Please also see ‘’Are my flights and transport paid for?’’ and beyond listed later in this document. Whilst you will receive a stipend allowance to cover your basic living costs whilst abroad, this may be paid to you in arrears. This means that you may spend some weeks in country ahead of your stipend being paid. During these early days/weeks, in most cases you will be required to pay subsistence and/or accommodation costs (in some cases up front +/- a deposit) and/or for car hire (where deemed a requirement), plus any other relevant costs. Your stipend will reimburse you for these costs incurred.

I have not worked overseas before; can I still apply?

Yes. Support will be given to you both pre-departure and in-country to make the best use of your skills, and previous experience of working in another country is not a requirement of any Fellowship. We encourage you to reference your experiences of working/travelling abroad (or how you would apply your skills and behaviours if you did travel or work abroad), and/or working with those from different backgrounds and cultures, in your application and interview. These are outlined as criteria in the job description for the role. 

What country could my Fellowship be in, and can I choose where I am placed?

NHS England benefits from global health partnerships withseveral countries. Your Fellowship site is dependent on the type of Fellowship you apply for. Please review the programme sections below for more information. Please be aware that your Fellowship may be with any of our relevant international partners and is based on their needs rather than personal preferences.  As such, when applying, please be prepared to accept an offer in any of the countries where a Fellowship you are eligible to apply to is offered.

In a small number of cases, there may be reasons why someone may not feel able to travel to a country due to its laws and practices in relation to their personal circumstances or protected characteristics (e.g., LGBTQIA+). Whilst we cannot guarantee the outcome of any requests, if you feel there is a country that you could not travel to due to the above reasons, please inform our recruitment lead. These will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

What contact will I have with my Leadership Development Partner? 

You will have at least one meeting, either in person or virtually, with your Leadership Development Partner prior to departure as part of your pre-fellowship induction. This meeting is to discuss expectations regarding your personal and leadership development.  

You will agree a means for making regular contact whilst on fellowship with your Leadership Development Partner, we suggest fortnightly. On return from your fellowship, you will have a session with your Leadership Development Partner, either face to face or virtually, to reflect on your experience and review your personal and leadership development. 

Can I take my family with me on an overseas Fellowship?

No, it is not possible for Fellows to be accompanied by other family members when undertaking an overseas fellowship.See also ‘Can I have visitors whilst on my Fellowship?’ below. 

What date will my Fellowship start? 

For our six-month Fellowships (both virtual and in-person), these start anytime from 1st February or 1st August. All Fellows must be available from 1st August/1st February but should be aware that travel to the Fellowship site may not take place specifically on 1st of either month. 

For our 12-month Fellowships, these start anytime from 1stFebruary.  All Fellows must be available from 1st February but should be aware that like our six-month Fellowships, travel to the Fellowship site may not take place specifically on 1stFebruary.

The Fellowship team will work with the Fellows to agree a mutually convenient date for travel, as Fellows will travel to their sites together. The Fellowship team will consider the needs of the country partner, as well as costs/value for money, with liaising on dates with Fellows. 

Fellows are requested to be flexible and collaborative in their approach to agreeing dates. If there is any reason why being available from 1st February/August is not possible (for example, a professional training commitment) please make the Fellowships team aware of this as soon as possible. The Fellowships team cannot guarantee any outcomes and will review considerations of this nature on a case-by-case basis. 

Can I travel earlier/return later for personal reasons or to undertake personal leisure activities before or after my Fellowship? 

Your outbound and return flight will be booked by the NHS Global Fellowships team and will align with the dates of arrival and departure agreed with Fellows and the in-country partner. Leisure activities cannot be considered when organising the scheduling of any flights. NHS England’s Business Insurance is only valid during the agreed dates of the Fellowship.  NHS England will not alter your flights to accommodate any travel you wish to undertake at the start or end of your Fellowship, or during your Fellowship. You will need to make your own arrangements and cover the cost of any additional flights, insurance, and visas – the return flight booked for you by NHS England can only be used to return to the UK at the end of your Fellowship on the dates agreed. It should be noted that NHS England’s insurance for Fellows is invalidated if Fellows do not have a return flight to their permanent country of residence. In the case of a ‘’no show’’ at the airport, flights can be automatically cancelled by travel operators, so Fellows are strongly encouraged to use the flights booked for them by NHS England.  

What is my pre-fellowship time commitment? 

Before departure, you will be required to participate in a mandatory induction over two days, and a two-day Leadership Development Centre course, depending on which Fellowship you are participating in. This will provide you with an insight into leadership skills, focussing on the leadership behaviour domains within the  NHS Healthcare Leadership Model, as well as team working. There are additional leadership development requirements outlined below.

What leadership development training can I expect prior to starting my Fellowship?

Prior to the Fellowship, you are required to complete online NHS Leadership Academy’s Edward Jenner Programme; Course 0: “An introduction to personal development” and Course 1: “Exploring what leadership means to me”. You are asked to have made a start on this by the time you attend the Induction Programme, and to have completed it by the start of your overseas Fellowship. You must send your certificate of completion to your Project Manager.  If you wish to undertake more of the programme, you are of course free to do so.

In addition, we ask you to complete an online Introduction to Project Management course through e-learning for healthcareto support you planning and implementing your project. 

Other leadership development is part of the induction programme, which includes some interactive practical sessions focussing on the leadership behaviour domains within the NHS Healthcare Leadership Model.

Are my flights and transport paid for? 

Your return economy class flights and airport tax will be paid for. In-country transport costs to and from the airport, such as taxis, will be covered by NHS England, however, you will need to pay for the costs of these and then reclaim the money back by submitting an invoice. You are expected to cover UK transport costs such as transport to the airport. Flights to your Fellowship country are not permitted to be booked by anyone other than NHS England, as flights purchased by Fellows cannot be reimbursed by the Fellowship programme. It is the Fellows responsibility to ensure they are fit to fly ahead of any flights being booked on their behalf.   

What is my luggage allowance? 

This depends on the airline you travel with and will be their normal economy-class allowance. If you need more than the airline allows, you will need to cover any additional cost yourself. 

How do I get the correct visa? 

Please refer to the UK Government Foreign Travel Advice website for up-to-date guidance on the country you are travelling to. It is your responsibility to ensure you have the correct visa, and that the application is submitted far enough in advance to ensure entry to the country. Your Project Manager can support you with this.

Read more FAQ about this fellowship here

Application Date and Process

  • Click on the link to the application website to apply.

Application Deadline

19 August, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

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