John and Alice Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement 2025 (Up to $250,000)

Applications are open for John and Alice Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement. Click here to learn more about this opportunity and apply for it.

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About John and Alice Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement 2025

Opportunity Details

For scientific contributions to the environment, energy, and health that have a significant positive impact on humankind, the John and Alice Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement is given out. The John and Alice Tyler Charitable Trusts have endowed the Prize, and the Executive Committee selects the winners each year. The Tyler Prize is administered by the University of Southern California.


The Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement’s primary goal is to honor exceptional achievements to:

  • Preservation, upkeep, enhancement, or comprehension of an ecological or environmental state;
  • Exploration, creation, or refinement of sustainable energy sources;
  • Comprehension of, or advancements in, planetary health, and worldwide remedies.

Benefits of John and Alice Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement 2025

  • The amount awarded annually is $250,000.
  • Each joint winner receives a monetary award.

John and Alice Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement 2025 Requirments

  • Eligible candidates include both private and public organizations are welcome to apply.
  • Worldwide nominations are requested and gladly accepted.
  • The nomination form will contain a number of questions that potentially address these requirements, so individuals or groups submitting nominations should be aware of how their nominee’s accomplishments meet the criteria.
  • Self-nominations or multiple nominations from the same person are not accepted. If a nominee is not chosen for the nomination cycle in which they were first nominated, they are kept on file for three years of consideration.

It is anticipated that the nominee(s)’ work will:

  • Possess a solid scientific foundation, encompassing the natural and/or social sciences;
  • Discuss global inequality and potential remedies; Show how a policy, practice, or environmental concern can be affected in a scalable and quantifiable way.
  • Engage the younger generation in conversation

Application Date and Process

All submissions must be made in English and include the requested information listed below for the online nomination form (either an individual or an organization).

Please provide the following: 

  • Form for nomination
  • Complete names, addresses, etc. of the nominee (person or organization) and the proposer.
  • A one- to two-page summary, including links to relevant websites, detailing the accomplishments, discoveries, improvements, or other contributions made by the person or organization for which the award is being suggested.
  • A list of three to five people or organizations that are willing to send recommendation letters in the event that the nominee makes the short list (please include contact name, organization, and email address).
  • If someone is being nominated for something, they must include a Curriculum Vitae that includes links to relevant articles, reports, and websites that highlight their particular contribution(s) to the field.

Form for the nomination of an individual

Form for the nomination for an organization

Application Deadline

09 August, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of John and Alice Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement 2025

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