IPA Photography Competition 2024

Applications for the 2024 Photography Competition are being accepted by the International Photography Awards (IPA). Click here to learn more about this opportunity and apply for it.

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About IPA Photography Competition

Opportunity Details

The International photographic Awards, an annual competition for professional, amateur, and student photographers worldwide, is one of the biggest and most ambitious events in the photographic business. Their objectives are to discover new and promising talent, promote enthusiasm for photography, and honor the achievements of the world’s top photographers.

Participate in the photography industry’s most renowned event by submitting your photos!

Benefits of IPA Photography Competition

Eleven Professional Category winners of the IPA Photography Competition Awards will each take home a $1,000 cash award, while the eleven Non-Professional Category winners will split a $500 prize.

Each of the aforementioned winners will also get two tickets to the Lucie Awards Gala, which will be held in New York City, USA. There, they will advance to the finals for the next two titles:

  1. The International Photographer of The Year (Professional Categories)
  2. Discovery Of The Year (Non-Professional Categories)

International Photography of the Year (Professional Categories):

  • The Lucie Trophy was given out during the New York City Lucie Awards Gala.
  • A cash award of $10,000.
  • Display of Work at the Exhibition of the “Best of Show”
  • Exhibitions on display during the Lucie Awards.
  • Inclusion in the Annual Book of the IPA.
  • Notifications via email and press release to more than 130,000 IPA members.

Discovery Of The Year (Non-Professional Categories):

  • The Lucie Trophy was given out during the New York City Lucie Awards Gala.
  • $5,000 in cash as a reward.
  • Show of work in the IPA “Best of Show” show.
  • Exhibitions on display during the Lucie Awards.
  • Inclusion in the Annual Book of the IPA.
  • Notifications via email and press release to more than 130,000 IPA members.

What does each award winner of the above categories receive? please read the details for each award winner of the above categories (Discovery Of The Year (Non-Professional Categories) and International Photography of the Year (Professional Categories)) as follows:


  • $1,000 in cash as a reward.
  • Two passes to the Lucie Awards Gala in your capacity as an international finalist. Photographer of the Year.
  • $500 for travel expenses.
  • Exhibitions on display during the Lucie Awards.
  • IPA Trophy during the New York City launch of the IPA Best of Show.
  • The curated Best of Show show features a work display.
  • Printed in the Annual Book of the IPA.
  • Notifications via email and press release to more than 130,000 IPA members

The Winners Will Receive the Title In The Following Professional Categories:

  1. Advertising Photographer of the Year
  2. Analog/Film Photographer of the Year
  3. Architectural Photographer of the Year
  4. Editorial Photographer of the Year
  5. Event Photographer of the Year
  6. Photography Book of the Year
  7. Fine Art Photographer of the Year
  8. Nature Photographer of the Year
  9. People Photographer of the Year
  10. Sports Photographer of the Year
  11. Photographer of the Year in the Special Category

Category Winners–Non-Professional:

  • $5000 Cash Award.
  • As a finalist for Discovery of the Year, you will get two tickets to the Lucie Awards Gala.
  • $500 for travel expenses.
  • Artwork exhibited during the Lucie Awards.
  • IPA Trophy, given away at the NYC IPA Best of Show premiere.
  • Items on display at the carefully chosen Best of Show show.
  • Printed in the Annual Book of the IPA.
  • Notifications via email and press release to more than 130,000 IPA members

The Winners Will Receive the Title In The Following Non-Professional Categories:

  1. Advertising Photographer of the Year
  2. Analog/Film Photographer of the Year
  3. Architectural Photographer of the Year
  4. Editorial Photographer of the Year
  5. Event Photographer of the Year
  6. Fine Art Photographer of the Year
  7. Photography Book of the Year
  8. Nature Photographer of the Year
  9. People Photographer of the Year
  10. Sports Photographer of the Year
  11. Photographer of the Year in the Special Category

IPA Photography Competition Requirments

Applicants and submissions should meet the following criteria:

  • The IPA competition is open to any live photographers from any country who are at least eighteen years old. Professional photographers will be judged by other professionals, and amateur photographers by other amateur photographers and students.
  • It is recommended that photographers submit their work online.
  • They ought to give digital copies of their output.
  • Print pieces are not allowed to compete.
  • Digital photos must be sent as.jpg files with an RGB format, HIGH compression, and a 4 MB maximum file size.
  • Each entry must be accompanied by the requisite entry fee, payable in US dollars.
  • Photographers are qualified to submit as professionals if they are employed full-time, have made photography their sole source of income, have had their work published, or are affiliated with a professional photography group or organization.
  • Photographers may submit as non-professionals if they do not fall under one of the aforementioned (Professional) categories. If you have published photos, are a member of a professional photography group, or make your income exclusively or mostly from photography, you have obligations as a professional.
  • A photographer may submit as a student if they are enrolled full- or part-time in an educational program. Being a student of photography is not necessary. Any student studying any subject is qualified.
  • No portion of the contribution may have a signature, stamp, or other identifying mark on it.
  • You can include your work in as many categories as you’d like. However, after the entry money has been paid, you won’t be able to change, add, or remove any categories.


Photographers can submit their photos relevant to the following categories:

  • Nature
  • People
  • Special
  • Sports
  • Advertising
  • Analog/Film
  • Architecture
  • Book
  • Editorial/Press
  • Event
  • Fine Art

Application Date and Process

  • Click on the link to the application website to apply.

Application Deadline

31 July, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of IPA Photography Competition

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