IMT School Scholars at Risk Research Grants of €6,000

Applications for the IMT School Scholars at Risk Research Grants are now open. Click here to read more about this scholarship and learn how to apply for it.

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About IMT School Scholars at Risk Research Grants

Opportunity Details

The IMT School offers ten research project grants for foreign scholars (faculty members, researchers, and Ph.D. students from universities or higher education institutions) at risk in various fields. International candidates will have a comparative evaluation procedure and be selected based on qualifications and a possible interview.

Selected fellows will collaborate with faculty and Ph.D. students in relevant Research Units to conduct research, publish scientific articles, and organize research seminars. The position also involves actively participating in developing the School’s research activities.

Definition of Risk Situation:

“Risk situation” refers to circumstances posing immediate and significant threats to an individual’s physical safety or fundamental rights, including hazards from natural disasters or armed conflicts. The following instances are examples of a “risk situation,” though not exhaustive:

  1. Holding refugee status in Italy or a European Union member state
  2. Entitled to subsidiary protection in Italy or a European Union member state
  3. Having applied for asylum or protection in Italy or a European Union member state
  4. They are recognized as a “scholar at risk” by Scholars at Risk (SAR) or other international bodies such as the Scholars Rescue Fund (SRF) and the Council for At-Risk Academics (CARA)

Research Areas

Foreign scholars facing risk specializing in the following research fields:

  • Economics
  • Management and Organization
  • Cultural Heritage
  • Art History
  • Archaeology
  • Visual and Gender Studies
  • Museum Studies
  • Philosophy
  • Cultural Heritage Law
  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Psychology
  • Computational Mechanics
  • Statistical Physics
  • Computer Science
  • Automation Engineering
  • Cybersecurity
  • Political Science

Benefits of IMT School Scholars at Risk Research Grants

  • Total gross amount: €6,000 for each fellowship
  • Food: Meals provided at the IMT School canteen
  • Lodging: Accommodation in single or double rooms at IMT School Campus
  • Travel expenses reimbursement: Up to €1,000
  • Additional expenses covered: Research visa, residence permit, SSR registration (if needed

IMT School Scholars at Risk Research Grants Requirments

Applicants should meet the following criteria:

  • Foreign nationals facing a situation of risk
  • Hold a Ph.D. degree or enrolled in a relevant doctoral program
  • Working in one of the specified research areas
  • Proficient in English (spoken and written)

Required Documents 


Submit the supporting documents for your grant application:

  • Application Form
  • Valid identity card or passport copy
  • Curriculum vitae in English
  • Cover letter describing the risk situation
  • Brief description of the research project

Selection Committee and Process

The Rector will appoint a Selection Committee, excluding tenured professors and researchers with negative evaluations per Law 240/2010, to evaluate and select candidates. The Selection Committee will follow IMT’s standard practices as follows:

  • Criteria for assessment include the relevance of candidates’ qualifications to research areas, the seriousness of risk exposure, and English language proficiency.
  • After evaluating qualifications and documentation, the Committee will compile a final ranking list or may conduct interviews with selected candidates.
  • Interview details will be published online and conducted remotely in English, allowing for detailed evaluation of candidates’ profiles.
  • Upon completion, the Rector will approve the proceedings and issue a final ranking via Rectorial Decree.

Application Date and Process

  • Complete the attached application form and email it to the submission email below.
  • Ensure all required documents are attached as specified in the call.
  • Ensure that you read the full call for application details or executive summary before filling out the application form.


Submission Email: [email protected]

Application Deadline

30 April, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of IMT School Scholars at Risk Research Grants

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