ICU Global Youth Essay Competition 2024 (Win a trip to Japan)

Applications are open for the ICU Global Youth Essay Competition 2024. International Christian University (ICU) and Japan ICU Foundation invite youths from around the world to share their views on how to make society better. Click here to learn more about this opportunity and apply for it. 

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About ICU Global Youth Essay Competition

Opportunity Details

  • Date Published: August 13, 2024
  • Category: Contest
  • Oppotunity Locations: Japan

Essays must focus on one of this year's topics. Select one of the following questions from the areas of human rights and current events.

  • ICU's mission is to nurture students who will contribute to world peace. Although we say "world" peace, in reality all issues faced by humanity, local and global, are deeply interconnected, and "peace" may mean different things depending on the situation. Give an example of a global issue affecting your local community, why it interests you, and how you would act to bring peace to that situation.
  • Our name, International Christian University, shows our commitment to being "international" and maintaining an open, welcoming campus. We believe in the spirit of Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right to freely participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits." Are there people around you who do not/ are unable to participate in the cultural life of your community? Why do you think that is and how would you act to ensure that their cultural life is accessible to everyone?

There are no right answers to these questions; we are not looking for essays that propose the "correct" solutions that already exist. We want to learn about YOUR original ideas. As you write, start by reflecting on your own experience, think about what the problem is, and then write your own opinion.

Essays must abide by the ICU Policy on Academic Integrity and ICU's Perspective on the Use of Generative AI by Students.

Language: Essays must be written in English.

Word Limit: No more than 650 words, excluding essay title and bibliography

Essay Title: Essays must have a title. Please create a title that best describes the essence of your essay. The title does not count towards the word limit.

Benefits of ICU Global Youth Essay Competition

Top Prize ( 1 winner ): Two round-trip airline tickets to Tokyo in the summer of 2025 for the winner and a guardian. A visit to ICU will be incorporated into the trip. In lieu of the airline tickets, the top prize winner has the option of receiving 100,000 yen.

Second Prize ( 1 winner ): 50,000 yen gift card

Third Prize ( 10 winners ): A copy of the "Illustrated Universal Declaration of Human Rightsin French, English, and Japanese" translated by ICU students.

Special Prize (1 winner) for those who have not been educated in English for more than 1 year: same as 3rd prize

ICU Global Youth Essay Competition Requirments

Applicants must be aged 14-18 as of October 9, 2024 (inclusive) and must currently reside outside of Japan. University/college students as of October 9, 2024 are ineligible to apply.

How are essays evaluated?

A group of judges from ICU and the Japan ICU Foundation will evaluate all essays using the following factors:

  • Thesis
  • Supporting arguments
  • Originality
  • Execution of writing (Audience/Coherence/Clarity/Grammar/Style)

All essays will be checked for plagiarism as well as AI generators checker.

An essay will be disqualified if:

  • It does not address the topic.
  • It does not include a title.
  • An applicant covers more than one topic.
  • It is not the applicant's original work (including the use of AI).

Please Note

The winners' full name, essay, title, school name, and location will be shared on the Global Youth Essay Competition website. Other information may be displayed upon receiving consent from winners and their guardians.


Application Date and Process

  • Click on the link to the application website to apply.

Application Deadline

09 October, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of ICU Global Youth Essay Competition

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