IAS 2024 Research for Cure Academy Fellowship for Developing Countries

Applications for the IAS 2024 Research for Cure Academy Fellowship are now open. Click here to learn more about this opportunity and apply for it.

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About IAS 2024 Research for Cure Academy Fellowship

Opportunity Details

The Research-for-Cure Academy, organized in partnership with the South African Department of Science and Innovation and the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of the Witwatersrand, will award fellowships to about 15 early- to mid-career investigators or clinical scientists to participate in a series of interactive workshops. It is designed for people in countries with limited resources for HIV cure research who are interested in working towards an HIV cure

The objectives are to:

Benefits of IAS 2024 Research for Cure Academy Fellowship

  • Fellowship opportunity 

IAS 2024 Research for Cure Academy Fellowship Requirments

To be eligible, applicants should:

  • Have sufficient proficiency in English
  • Be an early- to mid-career investigator or clinical scientist
  • Be affiliated with or working in collaboration with an institution or university in a country with limited resources for HIV cure research
  • Be interested in the latest research developments towards an HIV cure
  • Already be working in the field of HIV (preferred)

Application Date and Process

  • Click on the link to the application website to apply.

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of IAS 2024 Research for Cure Academy Fellowship

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