Applications are open for the Heinrich Böll Foundation Transatlantic Media Fellowships 2025. The Transatlantic Media Fellowship program supports well-researched transatlantic journalism.
About Heinrich Böll Foundation Transatlantic Media Fellowships
Opportunity Details
As in previous years, the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Washington, DC will give a select number of journalists based in the United States, Canada, and Germany the opportunity for on-the-ground reporting relevant to the foundation’s work on democracy & social policy; technology & digital policy; foreign & security policy; and climate & environmental policy. We accept applications for either travel-based or virtual research and reporting.
Journalists based in Africa, Asia, and Latin America are invited to apply for fellowships covering issues related to their Global Development Policy and Digital Policy programs. Applicants should pitch stories related to the Global South and the US, Canada, and/or Germany.
Benefits of Heinrich Böll Foundation Transatlantic Media Fellowships
This is for all program areas.
- A stipend of $4,000 for an on-the-ground fellowship (including transatlantic travel); OR
- A stipend of $1,500 for a digital fellowship (virtual interviews, no travel)
Heinrich Böll Foundation Transatlantic Media Fellowships Requirements
They seek journalists with a strong track record of publications who offer new perspectives on transatlantic policy debates. Fellowships are open to journalists in any medium.
Applications focusing on Africa, Latin America, or Asia have a special set of criteria. Please look there to determine your eligibility.
Applicants should be:
- based in the United States or Canada and demonstrate a strong motivation for engaging in research and reporting about Europe; OR
- based in Germany and demonstrate a strong motivation for engaging in research and reporting about the United States or Canada
They especially encourage applications from journalists
- working at regional or local media outlets, or freelancers
- who can offer diverse, lesser-heard perspectives
- and/or who may not otherwise have the opportunity to conduct transatlantic research
Journalists are responsible for their own travel and visa arrangements.
Applicants based in North America and Germany
1. Digital Policy
Applicants in this category should pitch stories on digital policy in North America (United States and/or Canada) or in EU member states. Topics can include issues within digital rights, global digital governance, or technology and the green transition. Specific topic ideas include:
- Online disinformation about democracy or conflicts
- Feminist digital policy
- Emerging technology including trade and US and EU technology competition with China
- Digital surveillance and reproductive rights or migration
- The rise of federated and decentralized social media platforms
- Privacy and data flows between the EU and US
2. Foreign & Security Policy
Applicants in this category should pitch stories on foreign policy topics relevant to the United States, Canada, Germany, and Europe. Possible themes for reporting include:
- The effects of democratic backsliding on security & foreign policy
- US foreign policy under the second Trump administration
- The future of European security and defense
- Impacts of the war in Ukraine
- The future of the rules-based international security order
- Imperial foreign policy, past and present
- Feminist foreign policy and human security approaches
3. Climate & Environmental Policy
Applicants in this category should pitch stories on climate, energy, or environment policy/issues in the United States, Canada, or in EU member states. Possible topics include:
- Community climate resilience
- Local agriculture and food systems
- Sustainable energy systems
- The intersection of the environment and human health
- The future of recycling
- The science of clean air, water, and/or soil
- Extractive economies and critical minerals
4. Democracy
Applicants in this category should pitch stories on challenges to democracy in the United States, Canada, or in EU member states. Possible topics include:
- Challenges to democracy, such as political radicalization and violence, attacks on civil rights, education, free speech, and the constitution
- Migration
- LGBTQ+ issues, gender equality, and racial justice
- Debates on historical reconciliation (Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung)
- Political regime change under the Trump administration and political resistance from civil society and state actors
- Social, democratic, and economic reform as well as political changes under the new German coalition government
Applicants based in Africa, Latin America, or Asia
5. Global Development Policy and Digital Policy
Applicants should:
- Focus on Africa, Latin America, or Asia and demonstrate a strong motivation for engaging in research and reporting about the interplay of global development or digital policy between their region of focus and the United States, Canada, and/or Europe
They especially encourage applications from journalists
- working at regional or local media outlets, or freelancers
- who can offer diverse, lesser-heard perspectives
- who may not otherwise have the opportunity to conduct transatlantic research
Journalists are responsible for their travel and visa arrangements. The stipend for each fellow in this policy area will be $4,000.
Applicants in this category should pitch stories on global development or digital policy as it relates to the United States, Canada, or EU member states. Possible topics include:
- Raw materials, mining, and the global supply chain for the renewable energy transition or the digital economy in the US and EU
- Digital transformation and digital connectivity (e.g. digital infrastructure development)
- Reform of the international financial institutions (World Bank, International Monetary Fund, etc.)
- Forced labor, inequality, and economic development
- Environmental justice and preserving the world’s biodiversity
- Conflict and its effects on development in the Global South
- AI, including ecological and climate impacts
Format: Reporting can be in the form of one longer, investigative piece, two to three shorter articles, or multimedia content (e.g. podcasts, videos, photo essays).
Timeline: Fellows are expected to complete their travel and/or research and submit a first draft by October 15, 2025, and publish their content in any quality media outlet by the end of the calendar year. At a minimum, fellows must publish their pieces on our website.
Publication: Fellows must be able to either guarantee the publication of their pieces or to provide us with documentation of a completed story ready for publication.
Social media: Fellows are expected to engage with the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Washington, DC over Instagram, Bluesky, and/or LinkedIn to document their travels and to promote their publications.
Application Date and Process
Applications should consist of:
- Resume: Please use a standard US format (no picture, date of birth, religion, or marital status)
- Cover letter: A one-page document outlining your motivation, qualifications, and experience
- Proposal: Please include the following three sections:
- Story proposals: Please include a short description of the stories you plan to cover (about 200 words each), whom you plan to contact for interviews, and the travel required for the stories
- Publication plan: Specify your plan for publication (language and target publication)
- Social media: Briefly explain how you plan to engage on social media with the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Washington, DC in the course of your fellowship
- Work samples: Please submit two work samples. If your previous work is not in English or German, please also provide a brief summary of each of your work samples
Please include your proposal and work samples in the same file as your cover letter, and upload them all as one file. If your work samples are other forms of media (e.g. video) please email us and we will make accommodations.
For questions, please contact Head of Communications Carl Roberts at carl.roberts[at]
Application Deadline
24 March, 2025
Scholarship Application Portal
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Heinrich Böll Foundation Transatlantic Media Fellowships
Apply for Heinrich Böll Foundation Transatlantic Media Fellowships