Global Peace Photo Award 2024 for Photographers Worldwide (€11,000 Prize)

The Global Peace Photo Award 2024 is currently accepting applications. Click here to learn more about this opportunity and how to apply for it.

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About Global Peace Photo Award 2024 for Photographers Worldwide (€11,000 Prize)

Opportunity Details

The Global Peace Photo Award recognizes and encourages photographers from around the world whose work depicts the search for goodness and beauty in our lives, as well as human efforts to build a peaceful society. The images that best represent the idea that peaceful coexistence is necessary for humanity’s future will win the prize.

The Photographische Gesellschaft (PHG) and Edition Lammerhuber together present the Global Peace Photo Award. Edition Lammerhuber is an Austrian publisher that specializes in photography and the interpretation of science and art. It is based in Baden near Vienna. The Photographische Gesellschaft (PHG), the world’s second oldest photographic association and the oldest in German-speaking countries, was founded in Vienna in 1861. On March 22, 1861, Anton Georg Martin founded the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna.

The Global Peace Photo Award will be administered in collaboration with UNESCO, the Austrian Parliament, the Austrian Parliamentary Reporting Association, the International Press Institute (IPI), the German Youth Photography Award, the World Press Photo Foundation, POY LATAM, LensCulture, and Vienna Insurance Group.


  • The Global Peace Photo Award has two categories: one for a single photograph and another for a story.
  • Kindly upload solitary photos under the solitary image section. It is also possible to submit more than one single photograph.
  • Please submit your photographs to the story category if you have at least five that convey a story. In the tale category, you are also able to submit more than one story. Up to 12 images can be included in an article.
  • Please submit your photo(s) for the Children’s Peace Image of the Year if you are under 14 years old.
  • The Children’s Peace Image of the Year is awarded in one category only.
  • You are able to submit many images that depict a narrative.
  • Additionally, you are welcome to contribute individual images that stand alone as symbols of peace. In this instance, kindly make an entry for every picture separately.

Benefits of Global Peace Photo Award 2024 for Photographers Worldwide (€11,000 Prize)

  • For the first time in 2024, a total of €11,000 in cash awards will be awarded across all six categories!
  • The Peace Image of the Year is awarded a monetary prize of €7,000. It will be on display in the Austrian Parliament for one year before becoming part of the institution’s permanent collection of art.
  • Three winners in the Stories category will each get €1000.
  • One winner in the single photo category gets €1,000.
  • One Childen’s Peace Image of the Year receives €1,000.
  • All winning images will receive the Alfred Fried Peace Medal, and lodging and transport costs for the photographers attending the September 2024 award ceremony in Vienna will be paid for. The images will be on display for a full year in the Austrian Parliament.
  • Every image that is submitted has the opportunity to be featured in worldwide exhibits.

Global Peace Photo Award 2024 for Photographers Worldwide (€11,000 Prize) Requirments

  • Any photographer, anywhere in the globe, is eligible to enter the Global Peace Photo Award.
  • Digital contributions need to be stored as.jpg files with a side length of at least 3000 pixels. No names, borders, logos, or embedded marks may be present in the image.
  • Images included in a reportage on a subject should not be altered in a way that alters the image’s significance. They will accept digitally altered photos and picture montages for other entries as long as they are used to creatively explore a theme. Any image that has been digitally altered must state in the caption what has been done to it.
  • One kind of photo prize is the Global Peace Photo prize. Artificial intelligence-generated photos may be excluded by the jury from the competition.
  • There isn’t a charge to enter!
  • You are free to submit as many submissions as you like; there is no cap on the amount.
  • When the call for entries opens, your story must be more than three years old. When the call for entries opens, at least two thirds of your work—if you are working on a long-term project—must not be more than three years old.

Selection Criteria

  • The worldwide jury for the Global Peace Photo Award will assess the photos according to their theme, style, inventiveness, and level of artistic excellence.

Application Date and Process

  • You submit one or more.jpg files with your entry. Before the deadline, you have the ability to edit or remove any of your entries. Before the submission deadline, your entry must be completed and submitted.
  • You are required to provide a 2000 character maximum English caption for each entry (single image or story). The jury may not read the captions for each individual photo in a tale, so they are not required. Jurors prefer concise, essential texts, so please try to keep your material as brief as you can!

Application Deadline

19 May, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of Global Peace Photo Award 2024 for Photographers Worldwide (€11,000 Prize)

Apply for Global Peace Photo Award 2024 for Photographers Worldwide (€11,000 Prize)

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