Global Media Peace Awards 2024

Applications are open for the Global Media Peace Awards 2024. This initiative aims to encourage and support peace-building efforts on a global scale.

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About Global Media Peace Awards

Opportunity Details

  • Date Published: August 26, 2024
  • Category: Contest

In a context marked by record military expenditures and global tensions exacerbated by persistent conflicts, the Executive Education HEC Montréal, in collaboration with Pale Bleu Dot Foundation – Japan, is launching the Global Media Peace Awards. This initiative aims to encourage and support peace-building efforts on a global scale. Open to all, these awards will recognize the contributions of radio and television broadcasters, digital media experts and citizens, public and private, in conflict prevention and resolution. In three distinct categories, these awards will honor excellence in radio, television, and digital media. We firmly believe in the vital role of media in influencing societies to address global challenges and promoting peace.  

Join us for this inaugural 2024 edition and contribute to shaping a more harmonious world for future generations. 


Awards Categories
The Awards are presented to the most innovative and remarkable radio, video/television and digital programs/ contents/ stories focused on the proposed topic, with the intent of encouraging high-quality program production.

Considering relevant storytelling on peacekeeping as the main topic of the Awards, the accepted media genres in this competition are documentary, reportage, and docudrama. News programs and radio drama will also be accepted for these Awards. The theme / message of the story/ program should be on conflict prevention or conflict resolution.

Benefits of Global Media Peace Awards

Three cash prizes will be awarded in each of the following 3 categories:

Radio Awards

1st Award: C$ 5,000
2nd Award: C$ 2,500
3rd Award: C$ 1,500

Television Awards 

1st Award: C$ 5,000
2nd Award: C$ 2,500
3rd Award: C$ 1,500

Digital Media Awards

1st Award: C$ 5,000
2nd Award: C$ 2,500
3rd Award: C$ 1,500

Global Media Peace Awards Requirments

Executive Education HEC Montreal and Pale Bleu Dot Foundation- Japan Media Peace Awards are open to all public and private media organisations. The Awards are also open to individual content producers.

All radio, TV and digital media programs produced or co-produced* in any country and broadcast between January 1, 2023, and August 30, 2024, are eligible for entry to these Awards. The programs will be accepted in the competition only once.

Each participant can submit one (1) entry, in each category, either reportage, documentary, or docudrama, of a maximum duration of 52 minutes. Entries must be free from any political propaganda or intentional commercial advertising. Storytelling through animation is also acceptable.

*A program made in co-production by two or more organisations may only be entered in the competition by one of the co-producing organisations, on the basis of a written agreement with the co-producers.

Application Date and Process

The Programs competing for the Global Media Peace Awards should be registered in the competition by filling in the registration form.

Each applicant must submit:

  1. their radio, television, or digital media program(s) in mp3 or wav format, in the original language;
  2. in a single document, the following information in English:
    - an accompanying script,
    - a synopsis,
    - and the biographies of the director / producer of the respective program.

All entries, together with the filled in registration form, must be submitted by WeTransfer to the Executive Education HEC Montréal Awards Secretariat before August 30, 2024, at the following e-mail address: [email protected]

By entering the Program(s) in the competition, participants shall guarantee that the Program(s) design and production comply with applicable law, especially copyright law. By registering under these Awards, participants declare and guarantee that they are the exclusive owners and/or have the exclusive availability of all exploitation rights of the Program(s), also in the name and on behalf of any third-party owners. 

Executive Education HEC Montreal and Pale Bleu Dot Foundation- Japan Media Peace Awards competition does not require registration fees from the participating organisations. 

Application Deadline

30 August, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

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