Global Development Awards Competition 2024 for development practitioners

The Global Development Awards Competition (GDAC) is GDN’s largest and longest-running program that brings together a rich community of researchers and development practitioners. Click here to learn more about this opportunity. 

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About Global Development Awards Competition

Opportunity Details

The Global Development Awards Competition (GDAC) is an award scheme that:

  • Identifies talent and supports the career advancement of researchers in the Global South
  • Funds innovative social development projects implemented by NGOs that benefit marginalized groups in the developing world


Sustainable Climate Action for Human-Centered Development

The awards will feature two categories:

The Japanese Award for Outstanding Research on Development (ORD) 2024 Edition
A competitive research grant program that identifies and funds outstanding research proposals that have a high potential for excellence in research and clear policy implications for addressing development issues in low and middle-income countries (World Bank definition).

The Japanese Award for Most Innovative Development Project (MIDP) 2024 Edition
A competitive grant program that supports non-profit Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in low or lower-middle-income countries (World Bank definition) to recognize the innovative approach of their projects.

Benefits of Global Development Awards Competition

  • Award money to support your research

Global Development Awards Competition Requirments

This opportunity is for researchers in the Global South and NGOs that have implemented development projects that benefit marginalized groups in the developing world.

Application Date and Process

Click on the link to the application website to apply based on your category 

Application Deadline

24 May, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of Global Development Awards Competition

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