gALPHA Applied Al Labs Fall 2024

Applications are open for the gALPHA Applied Al Labs Fall 2024. Click here to learn more about this opportunity and apply for it.

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About gALPHA Applied Al Labs Fall

Opportunity Details

gALPHA is a free, four-week venture-creation workshop designed to help entrepreneurially minded students and technologists create high-growth startups. Get product ideas, mentorship and one-on-one coaching to develop a high-growth startup company. gALPHA is a program of a nationally ranked startup accelerator gener8tor.

gALPHA program looks like:

  • Product Development: Ideate, validate and build minimum viable products (MVPs).
  • Culture: Experience first-hand the challenges, but also tremendous benefit, of iterating quickly with minimal resources in solving business problems.
  • Methodology: Come away with a roadmap for testing new ideas through the design of an MVP.
  • Next Steps: Understand what you need to do to continue growing your company, and access other resources within gener8tor's network to

Benefits of gALPHA Applied Al Labs Fall

Through one-on-one interaction with their program director and mentors, program participants gain valuable personalized insights that can be applied to their business strategy. Program focus areas include identifying high-growth business opportunities, validating the idea, developing a minimum viable product, and getting started in building a company. Other benefits include:

  • Access to gener8tor's robust national network of thousands of fellow entrepreneurs, mentors and investors, and warm introductions to those most relevant to your business.
  • Membership in gener8tor's startup community of thousands of startup founders, with access to gener8tor's network, events and resources for the lifetime of your business.

gALPHA Applied Al Labs Fall Requirments

  • You're Based in Waukesha County, WI: ALPHA Applied Al Lab is venture-creation workshop for students and technologists who live in Waukesha County, WI.
  • You're commited: ALPHA provides product ideas, mentorship and coaching, then works with each team one-on-one for a month to help develop ideas.
  • Skill-Specific Interests: ALPHA WCTC Applied Al Lab is a four-week venture-creation workshop designed to help entrepreneurially-minded individuals create high-growth startups that utilize data and artificial intelligence.

Application Date and Process

Click on the link to the application website to apply.

Application Deadline

17 September, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of gALPHA Applied Al Labs Fall

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