Frank Knox Memorial Fellowship 2025-2026 at Harvard University (Funded)

Applications are open for the Frank Knox Memorial Fellowship 2025-2026. Click here to learn more about this opportunity and apply for it.

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About Frank Knox Memorial Fellowship

Opportunity Details

  • Date Published: February 03, 2025
  • Application Deadline: February 10, 2025
  • Category: Fellowship
  • Oppotunity Locations: United States
  • Eligible Locations: Canada

The Frank Knox Memorial Fellowship program provides funding for students from Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom to conduct graduate study at Harvard University. Through in-country competitions, Knox Fellowships are typically awarded to 15 newly admitted students each year.

Knox Fellowship funding is guaranteed for up to two years of study at Harvard for students in degree programs requiring more than one year of study. There can be as many as 30 Knox Fellows at Harvard in any given year. In establishing the Frank Knox Memorial Fellowship program, Annie Reid Knox sought to honor her late husband and his lifelong commitment to America. Throughout his rich and varied career - as newspaper publisher, soldier, vice-presidential candidate and Secretary of the Navy during World War II - Knox championed the concept of democracy as a government of the people. He believed that the United States had been "favored as no other land on earth," and consequently bore tremendous responsibilities both at home and abroad.

Benefits of Frank Knox Memorial Fellowship


  • A Knox Fellowship pays full Harvard tuition and mandatory health insurance fees and provides a stipend sufficient to cover the living expenses of a single Fellow for a 10-month academic year. Knox Fellows who plan to bring spouses, partners or other family members with them to Harvard must secure additional sources of funding to support their families. Knox Fellowship funding is guaranteed for up to two years of study at Harvard for students in degree programs requiring more than one year of study. The Committee on General Scholarships will consider Knox Fellowship renewals after the second year on a case-by-case basis.

Frank Knox Memorial Fellowship Requirements


  1. Knox Fellowships are open to men and women who:
    1. are citizens or permanent residents of Canada at the time of application and who are normally residing in Canada; AND
    2. have completed or will complete a first or higher degree at a Canadian university; AND
    3. are studying for a first or higher degree and will graduate in the academic year 2024-2025; OR have completed a first or higher degree and graduated no earlier than 2020.
    4. Please note that persons who graduated before 2020 are not be eligible to apply.
  2. No application will be considered from any potential applicant already in the United States.
  3. Each Knox Fellowship applicant must also submit an Application for Admission directly to the Harvard graduate or professional school of their choice. Knox Fellowships are awarded only to those candidates that gain admission to Harvard as full-time degree-program students. Applicants are urged to begin correspondence with that school’s Admissions Office at the earliest possible date. Applicants should submit Applications for Admission to the appropriate school as early as possible and need not wait for the deadline. 
  4. Knox Fellowship applicants seeking admission to Harvard Law School should have completed their resident university education and hold a basic degree in Law before applying for an advanced degree program such as the Master of Laws (LLM).
  5. Knox Fellowships are not awarded for undergraduate study or postdoctoral research, nor do they support medical research, post-doctoral research, or any other research appointment. They are not available for online or part-time programs or Executive Education programs. Normally Frank Knox Fellows must be in residence in the Boston/Cambridge area during the first two years of their degree program. (The fellowship will not support students whose programs require extensive field-work during this period.)

Citizens or permanent residents of Canada who are currently studying in or graduated from a university in another Knox-eligible country may be eligible to submit a Knox Fellowship application. This will be handled on a case-by-case basis and candidates are asked to contact the Committee on General Scholarships at Harvard University. See contact information below.

Application Date and Process

  1. Applicants are required to submit an online application. Supplemental materials as part of the online application include:
    1. Curriculum Vitae
    2. Short essay of no more than 1,000 words, which provides an account of the applicant’s academic pursuits, intellectual interests, extra-curricular activities, and the reasons for his/her desire to study at Harvard University; the essay should also explain the applicant’s plan of study at Harvard and his/her future career plans.
    3. Certified copies of all academic transcripts. 
    4. Two confidential letters of recommendation. 

Candidate Selection Process:

  1. Candidates will be selected on the basis of academic excellence, strength of character, and potential for leadership in the applicant’s field.
  2. Mrs. Knox expressed the hope that recipients of Knox Fellowships, after gaining knowledge and experience from study in the United States, would return to their native countries to become leaders in their chosen fields. 

Application Deadline

10 February, 2025

Scholarship Application Portal

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