Fetisov Journalism Awards 2024 (Total Prize of 520,000 CHF)

Applications are open for the Fetisov Journalism Awards 2024. The mission of Fetisov Journalism Awards is to promote universal human values such as honesty, justice, courage and nobility through the example of outstanding journalists from all over the world as their dedicated service and commitment contribute to changing the world for the better.

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About Fetisov Journalism Awards

Opportunity Details

  • Date Published: August 20, 2024
  • Application Deadline: September 15, 2024
  • Category: Grants

The categories for this award include:

  • Outstanding Contribution to Peace
  • Contribution to Civil Rights
  • Outstanding Investigative Reporting
  • Excellence in Environmental Journalism

Benefits of Fetisov Journalism Awards

The total prize fund is 520,000 CH. Three winners in each category share a monetary prize of 130,000 CHF (including taxes, as stipulated by the legislation in force):

  • The first prize winner receives 100,000 CHF.
  • The second prize winner receives 20,000 CHF.
  • The third prize winner receives 10,000 CHF.

Fetisov Journalism Awards Requirements

  • Entries are open to professional journalists, i.e. representatives of the media, professional journalism organizations (unions/associations/societies) and freelance journalists.
  • Self-nominations are allowed.
  • Maximum of 3 (three) reportings/series of reportings* from one journalism organization/media platform can be nominated for participation in the contest.
  • The submission form may be filled out by a representative of a registered organization/media platform nominating another journalist or by a nominee. Information must be provided in English.
  • One entry (one reporting or a series of reportings) from an author/team of authors is accepted.
  • Publications (stories/articles/reportings) participating in the contest must have been published in printed media (newspapers/magazines/journals) and/or posted on media websites/outlets from June 1st, 2023 to May 31st, 2024.
  • The word restriction for the submitted publications is 20,000 words.
  • Films, videos and audio recordings as separate pieces of work are not accepted for the contest.
  • One publication must be attached to the application form in accordance with the instructions on the website. If a series of publications on one subject are submitted for the contest they must be sent in one file. The attached file must be in PDF format and must not exceed 10 Mb. The PDF file must be of good quality and contain full  well-readable text of the publication otherwise the Steering Committee has the right to disqualify the entry. 
  • A signed scanned copy of the author's consent to participate in the contest must be attached to the application form if the application is submitted by the third person.

If a nominated publication was created by a team of authors each of the authors must sign a letter of consent. A letter of consent (or several letters scanned in one file) should be attached to the application form and submitted via the website.

The following details must be indicated in the form:

Personal details about the representative of a journalism organization:

  • Surname and first name;
  • Professional journalism organization you are representing;
  • Country of registration of the professional journalism organization;
  • Contact details (phone number, e-mail)

Personal details about the author of the publication:

  • Surname and first name;
  • Gender;
  • Citizenship or country of residence;
  • Author’s place of work (name of an organization and address);
  • Author’s position;
  • Contact details (phone number, e-mail);
  • Contact details of organizations for requesting references about the author(-s);
  • A signed copy of the author's (authors') consent to participate in the contest if the application is submitted by the third person (PDF, 10 Mb maximum size)

Data about the publication

  • Category of the competition;
  • Information about the publication (title and media platform where the reporting was published, country of publication (for printed publications);
  • Original language of publication;
  • Link(-s)  to the publication (with a login and password if required), date of publication;
  • Reasons for nomination in brief (a few statements)

NB! Please don not use capslock while filling in the submission form.

For inquiries please contact us by email [email protected]

No submission fees are charged.

The prize-winners (1st, 2nd and 3d prize-winners in each category) must abstain from participation in FJA competition over the next three (3) years after their victory. The exception is for prize-winners who re-apply as part of teams of ten or more people.

Requirements to Publications

All publications must be provided in English. Publications in languages other than English will be accepted provided that they are accompanied by translation into English. The translation must be provided in the same file as the original publication. The translation must be carried out by a professional translator and be of high quality. The translation must be accurate and complete; it has to be carried out in line with the norms and standards of the English language. Translation through an automatic engine is not valid. Word-for-word translation is not allowed.

Materials published in printed media, posted on media websites and media will be accepted for participation in the contest.

Publication Assessment Criteria

The following criteria are taken into account in assessment of publications:

  • Accuracy: ensuring the information is fact-based and reliable;
  • Independence: avoiding political and corporate bias and undue influence;
  • Impartiality and fairness;
  • Humanity: how principles of non-discrimination and respect for victims, minorities and vulnerable groups are applied;
  • Transparency: how the reporting process was out in the open and the athors made themselves accountable;
  • Promotion of ethical principles;
  • Positive impact of a publication on the political, economic or social situation in a particular area, country or globally;
  • Accuracy of translation must be taken into account if the original language is not English.

* A series of articles is a set of publications written by the same author/ team of authors that deal with the same narrow subject.

Do you have any questions? You can find our FAQ following the link: https://fjawards.com/fja-faq


Application Date and Process

  • Click on the link to the application website to apply.

Application Deadline

15 September, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

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