FCMB Hackathon & Venture Building Program for Agritech Entrepreneurs

The 2024 AgriTech Hackathon and Venture Building Program supported by FMO is designed to search out, identify, and groom early-stage businesses across Africa. Applications are now open for this opportunity.

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About FCMB Hackathon & Venture Building Program

Opportunity Details

The project will run for 6 months across two major phases:

  1. 1. Hackathon
  2. 2. Venture Building

The format of this 6-month program involves a 3-month Hackathon and prize-giving day, 6 weeks of Venture Building sprints, and an Investor Day program with a Documentary premiere. These are designed to provide high-impact innovative AgriTech startups with the relevant business and product development tools required to groom their solutions to Agricultural challenges in society and attract follow-on investments.

Benefits of FCMB Hackathon & Venture Building Program

  • In addition to funding, the winners will receive training & mentorship, access to industry networks, marketing support, and opportunities for partnerships, collaborations and investments.

FCMB Hackathon & Venture Building Program Requirments

To be eligible for the FCMB Hackathon and Venture Building Program 2024, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Stage of Idea: Your business idea should be in the early stages of development. 
  2. Team: You should have a team with a mix of skills and experience relevant to building an Agritech business. This could include experience in agriculture, technology, business development, and marketing. 
  3. Passion for Agriculture: You should have a strong passion for agriculture and a desire to make a positive impact in the industry. 
  4. Commitment: You should be committed to participating fully in the program and working hard to develop your venture. 
  5. Legal: Be a legally registered company either as a business name or limited, individual teams of hackers are also encouraged to apply to the hackathon.

Application Date and Process

  • Click on the link to the application website to apply.

Scholarship Application Portal

Apply for FCMB Hackathon & Venture Building Program

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