Applications are open for the ETH4D Visiting Scientist Grant. Click here to learn more about this opportunity and apply for it.
About ETH4D Visiting Scientist Grant
Opportunity Details
ETH4D provides grants for visiting scientists, belonging to an academic institution in low and lower-middle income countries. The visiting scientist may visit ETH Zurich to conduct a short research stay or to attend a conference or workshop organised by ETH Zurich scientists. The aim of this grant is to invite colleagues from lower-income countries to visit ETH Zurich for a research stay or to attend a conference or workshop.
Benefits of ETH4D Visiting Scientist Grant
Grant sum: max. 10 kCHF
ETH4D Visiting Scientist Grant Requirements
- Visiting scientist must be affiliated at an institution in a country classified under the categories according to the external page DAC-list of the OECD. Preference will be given to “least developed”, "low-income” and “lower-middle income” countries.
- Has existing or planned research collaborations with the hosting professor
- Proven academic qualifications
Please read the Download Eligibility Criteria and Application Requirements (PDF, 129 KB)before applying.
Application Date and Process
- Click on the link to the application website to apply.
Application Documents:
- Budget (using budget template)
- A single PDF containing the following:
- Description of the Research Stay or Conference/Workshop attendance (1-2 pages)
- Timeline in the form of a Gantt chart
- CVs of all involved persons (1-2 pages each)
- Letter of support from ETH professor/main applicant
Application Deadline
30 March, 2025
Scholarship Application Portal
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ETH4D Visiting Scientist Grant
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