Applications are open for the ETH4D Teaching Stay Grant. Click here to learn more about this opportunity and apply for it.
Opportunity Details
ETH4D supports teaching activities of ETH scientists or ETH emeriti at partner institutions in low and lower-middle incomec countries. Activities include delivering lectures, courses or seminars; or attending collaboration meetings.
The aim of this grant is to support teaching activities of ETH scientists (including doctoral candidates and senior scientists) or ETH professors emeriti at partner institutions in countries listed in the external page OECD DAC List.
Grant sum: max. 5k CHF
The call is open to researchers from all disciplines of the ETH domain.
All grant applications must be submitted by ETH professors.
The ETH4D Teaching Stay Grant be used to fund the teaching stays of:
- Doctoral candidates
- Senior scientists
- Assistant Professors, SNSF Professors, Titular Professors, Professors on an ERC grant
- Professors Emeriti
Teaching stays must be conducted by individuals hired at ETH Zurich at least in a 50% position. All applications must include a letter of invitation from the host institution in a country.
Please read the Eligibility Criteria and Application Requirements (PDF, 126 KB) before applying.
Application Documents:
All application documents must be written in English and submitted via the online application form.
Apply for ETH4D Teaching Stay Grant