ETH Zurich Engineering for Development (E4D) Doctoral Scholarship Programme 2024 (up to 200,000 CHF)

The E4D Programme is generously funded through the external pageSawiris Foundation for Social Developmentcall_made and the external pageSwiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.call_made

The grant sum is 200'000 CHF to cover the salary costs of the doctoral students for three years. ETH professors cover the 4th year of the doctoral studies as well as costs related to the research itself.

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About ETH Zurich Engineering for Development (E4D) Doctoral Scholarship

Opportunity Details

After 10 years of successful operation, the E4D Doctoral Scholarship Programme will begin a new phase in 2024.

The programme supports doctoral students from low- and middle-income countries to work on innovations at ETH that have the potential to improve the lives of people in poor and fragile regions. 

Fellows have excellent prospects of becoming leaders in sustainable development by taking up important positions in industry, policy or academia, or by putting research into practice through entrepreneurship. 

The goal of the Engineering for Development (E4D) Programme is to promote research and education for people in low-income countries.

The E4D Programme is generously funded through the external pageSawiris Foundation for Social Developmentcall_made and the external pageSwiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.call_made

The grant sum is 200'000 CHF to cover the salary costs of the doctoral students for three years. ETH professors cover the 4th year of the doctoral studies as well as costs related to the research itself.

Please refer to the DownloadEligibility and Criteria document (PDF, 236 KB)vertical_align_bottom before applying. 

Benefits of ETH Zurich Engineering for Development (E4D) Doctoral Scholarship

The E4D doctoral scholarship amounts CHF 200’000 for a period of three years. The scholarship/project period can be extended on a no-cost extension. Out of the scholarship grant, CHF 181’400 is reserved to cover the salary of the E4D Fellow for three years (level of employment: 100%, incl. social security), CHF 8’200 for material costs and/or travels. Employment after the granted time period must be financed by other sources.

The doctoral salary must be on the level of the ETH standard doctoral salary. Adjustments of the salary scale might be made in adherence to the general ETH Domain remuneration policy as defined by the ETH Board. Any extra costs associated with salary scale increases effected during the funding period must be borne by the host professorship.

ETH Zurich Engineering for Development (E4D) Doctoral Scholarship Requirments

The candidate

  • The general entrance requirements for doctoral studies at the ETH Zurich1 and the respective department must be fulfilled.
  • Experience in the selected research area is required.
  • Candidates must be citizens of low- and lower-middle-income countries according to the OECD DAC-2024-25 list classification.

Application Date and Process

The application is in two steps.

First Step

The candidate submits the Concept Note Application Form 2024 to the E4D programme office by e-mail to [email protected]. Only concept notes fulfilling all indicated requirements will be taken into consideration and will be evaluated by the ETH4D Committee for Exchanges with regard to their suitability for the second step. The deadline for submitting concept notes is 30 April 2024.

Application Documents 

The concept note application must include:

  • Completed DownloadConcept Note Application Form 2024 (PDF, 127 KB)vertical_align_bottom
  • CV of the candidate
  • Excellent MSc degree from a recognised university and grade transcripts
  • Support letter of the supervising professor at ETH Zurich
  • 2 reference letters from your field of research
  • Relevant own publications or documentation of relevant activities relating to the project
  • List of 5 independent reviewers (same field of research, but unknown to candidate and professor)
  • Bibliography

Please refer to the DownloadEligibility and Criteria Document (PDF, 236 KB)vertical_align_bottom before applying. 

Second step

Candidates whose concept note is accepted by the E4D committee elaborate a full proposal together with the professor who agreed to supervise the project. If the candidate and the professor do not know each other, they must set up a meeting to discuss the full proposal elaboration. This meeting can be a face-to-face meeting or an online meeting.

Full proposals must be submitted by the ETH professor to the E4D Programme Office ([email protected]) by 31 August 2024 in one single pdf document.

Full proposal

The proposal must not exceed 15 pages and must include the following elements:


• Cover page including executive summary
• Clearly defined and justified objectives
• Problem definition, state of research (own and others) and references (to be included into appendix)
• Project description, hypotheses, novelty of the research, research approach and methodology (including logical framework matrix)
• Description of the institutional framework and partnership, explaining the contribution of all involved partners
• Supervision/supervising team
• Work plan with milestones
• Critical assessment of chances and risks
• Expected results and strategy for their implementation (method or product to be developed and its relevance to end users)
• Detailed budget for each year of the scholarship, differentiating all funding sources including those of the ETH chair and partner contributions (financial or in-kind)


• CV of the candidate
• Latest qualifying certificates and transcripts (BSc and MSc)
• Two reference letters
• Support letter of the supervising professor at ETH Zurich, clearly stating the financial contribution to the project
• Letters of support from all involved partner institutions
• Motivation letter of the candidate with career intentions • Bibliography

Application Deadline

30 April, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of ETH Zurich Engineering for Development (E4D) Doctoral Scholarship

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