ENCATC Research Award for International Applicants on Cultural Policy and Cultural Management

Applications are now open for the ENCATC Research Award. This award is a joint prize from the European Network on cultural management and Policy or European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centres (ENCATC) and The University of Antwerp Cultural Management Fund.

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About ENCATC Research Award 2024

Opportunity Details

  • Date Published: May 23, 2024
  • Category: Contest
  • Oppotunity Locations: Italy

This Prize aims to inspire academic research in the field of cultural policy and management with an emphasis on its applied implications. The Award also contributes to creating a network of scholars competent in in-depth research projects in cultural policy and management.

Applications for the annual ENCATC Research Award are open to recently published Ph.D. thesis exploring topical matters at stake and thesis that can inform policymaking and benefit practitioners in the field of culture.

For this Research Award, applicants should consider a comprehensive definition of culture comprising the arts, cultural heritage, and culture and creative sectors. The applicant’s submitted Ph.D. thesis to the call must be related to cultural management and or policy.

Benefits of ENCATC Research Award 2024

Granted each year, the Award consists in a new book based on the winning doctoral thesis being published in the  ENCATC Advances in Cultural Management and Policy Book Series, a series of publications specialising in topics related to cultural management and cultural policy. The ENCATC Book Series is now edited by Routledge, the world’s leading academic publisher in the Humanities, Social Sciences and STEM.

If the wining candidate does not accept the Award, it will be offered to the candidate that came in the second place. When accepting the Award, the winner must commit to provide ENCATC with a proof edited manuscript in English – ENCATC will not cover proofreading costs – within the 5 months after the Ceremony.

The winner will be requested to sign an agreement with the publisher, Routledge. The winner shall also commit to actively contribute to the dissemination of the book and promote it via different channels and events formats.

ENCATC Research Award 2024 Requirments

Candidates must meet the following requirements to apply for the ENCATC Research Award:

  • Candidates may hold nationality or residence in any country.
  • Should be young or emerging researchers who recently defended their Ph.D. thesis (up to 2 years after the defense of the thesis)
  • The doctoral thesis should be relevant to cultural management and or policy.
  • The thesis can be in any language; applicants must submit an extensive summary in English.
  • The submitted thesis should be original, excluding material in the public domain and those included with the written permission of the copyright owners.
  • Submission must not violate or infringe any existing copyright or license or any third-party right of any person.
  • Each candidate should apply once only.

Assessment Criteria

The selection committee will assess the submissions based on the following criteria:

  • Thematic area
  • Research methodology and quality of the research
  • Originality of the research topic
  • The innovative character of the research design
  • Relevance and inspiration for the field or policymakers
  • The international and comparative dimensions of the research
  • Quality of writing

Assessment Procedure of the ENCATC Research Award

An international Jury will review all submitted applications and select the three finalists in two steps:

  1. A pre-assessment through which the Jury will select the best candidates. Two Jury members will read and evaluate all eligible applications privately per the assessment criteria.
  2. After selecting the best candidates, an individual quantitative assessment of the different criteria by all Jury members and they will select the shortlisted candidates upon the discussion in an online meeting.

Required Documents

Applicants should submit all the supporting required documents:

  • Applicant’s CV
  • Cover letters
  • Contents table of the doctoral thesis and a link to the full text
  • Letters of recommendation from two university members, a Jury, or an assessment board involved in the public defense process.

A 3,000-word summary of the Ph.D. thesis in English, including:

  1. Aim of the research questions and study
  2. Theoretical framework
  3. Data collection and analysis, methodological approaches, and ethical considerations
  4. Key results of the study
  5. Practical and theoretical research contributions to the field of cultural management or policy
  6. Main references

Application Date and Process

  • If you are eligible for this award, click on the link to the application website to apply. 

Application Deadline

31 May, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of ENCATC Research Award 2024

Apply for ENCATC Research Award 2024

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