Echoing Green Fellowship 2025 for Social Entrepreneurs & Leaders ($80,000 Stipend)

Are you a leader with a vision to address the world’s most pressing challenges? Do you have an innovative idea that could transform unjust systems and help communities around the globe thrive? If so, the Echoing Green Fellowship might be your perfect opportunity. This fellowship seeks to identify and support visionary social innovators committed to creating transformative change in their communities and beyond.

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About Echoing Green Fellowship for Social Entrepreneurs & Leaders

Opportunity Details

The Echoing Green Fellowship is designed for individuals in the early stages of their entrepreneurial journey. It supports those who are passionate about a cause and have a deep connection to the communities they serve. This fellowship empowers leaders ready to tackle the root causes of systemic issues and work towards a more equitable and just world.

Echoing Green aims to invest in the most promising social innovators through this fellowship by providing them with the resources, guidance, and support they need to bring their ideas to life. Whether focused on combating identity-based oppression, driving social innovation, or dismantling unjust systems, this fellowship offers a platform to amplify your impact and contribute to a global movement for change.

Benefits of Echoing Green Fellowship for Social Entrepreneurs & Leaders

Fellows participating in the program will benefit from the following benefits:

1.Capacity Building and Leadership Development
Fellows receive a comprehensive program designed to enhance leadership skills and develop strategies for bringing their ideas to life.

2.Wellness and Wellbeing Support
Ongoing support is provided to focus on mental and emotional health, along with self-care workshops tailored to the challenges of entrepreneurship.

3.Capital and Expert Resources
Fellows are connected to expert resources and opportunities through the program team. They also receive seed funding over 18 months, with a stipend of USD 80,000. For-profit organizations receive funding as recoverable grants.

4.Community and Connections
Fellows participate in virtual and in-person gatherings to foster strong connections within and across classes, regions, and communities. They also benefit from pro-bono support from leading professionals and opportunities to connect with experienced business leaders dedicated to global social change.

Echoing Green Fellowship for Social Entrepreneurs & Leaders Requirments

The Echoing Green Fellowship has two types of requirements: one for applicants and next for organizations as follows:

For applicant:

  • Be over 18 years by 1 June 2025
  • Demonstrate proficiency in English
  • Be able to commit full-time to your organization
  • Be the founder or a leading member of the proposed organization
  • It would be best if you were the primary decision-maker with ultimate authority over your organization’s growth and strategic vision.
  • Students or currently employed people must agree to make their organization your full-time engagement if awarded a fellowship.
  • Applicants can be from any country and do not need to be an American citizen or based in America.
  • They can reapply for the Fellowship if their previous application was not successful.
  • During the 18-month fellowship, you must work full-time (40 hours per week) on your organization. Other professional responsibilities are allowed, but your Fellowship work must be your priority.

For Organization: 

  • Your organization must operate independently. Organizations with fiscal sponsors are eligible as long as the sponsor has no authority over decision-making.
  • Your organization should be in the early stages of development, typically operating with full-time staff for less than five years and still needing resources for sustainability.
  • Your organization must not engage primarily in lobbying as defined by the U.S. IRS. Issue-area advocacy is permitted.
  • Your organization cannot promote or recruit for a specific religious faith.
  • No founding team members or leaders should have previously received an Echoing Green Fellowship.

Selection Process and Criteria

  • Application Submission: Applications must be submitted online through Echoing Green’s application website before the deadline.
  • Application Review: Expert reviewers will closely read and score your application materials.
  • Finalist Interviews: If selected as a finalist, you will participate in interviews with expert panelists.
  • Fellowship Notification: Finalists selected for the fellowship will be notified in June/July 2025.

Selection Criteria:
Echoing Green evaluates Fellowship applicants based on the following criteria:


Idea Criteria:

  • Changing Systems: Applicants should demonstrate how their idea addresses the root causes of systemic issues, impacts many lives, and shifts community trajectories. High-scoring proposals will include intersectional analysis and an understanding of power dynamics.
  • Equity-Centered: The idea must focus on dismantling unjust systems and creating equitable opportunities for all, regardless of identity.
  • Innovation: Proposals should showcase innovative approaches that build on or challenge existing models, contributing to a broader change movement.

Leader Criteria:

  • Purpose Alignment: Applicants must demonstrate deep conviction and passion for the issue they are addressing, as well as long-term commitment and motivation.
  • Relationship to and Expertise on the Issue:Leaders should reflect on the communities they serve, possess deep knowledge of the issues, and involve those impacted in decision-making.
  • Leadership Qualities: Applicants should demonstrate the ability to drive their vision forward, build partnerships, and mobilize resources.

Required Documents

Please prepare and submit these documents:

  • General Information: Personal details and an overview of your organization.
  • Financial Overview: Information on your organization’s economic health and needs.
  • Short Answer Questions: Responses addressing your leadership, work, and organizational goals.
  • Collaborative Analysis: Identification of similar organizations and potential collaboration opportunities.
  • Resume: Demonstrating your qualifications and experience.
  • Video Submission: A 60-second video answering “Why do you do what you do?”

Application Date and Process

The application for the 2024 Fellowship opens on September 17, 2024.

Application Resources

Prepare your application offline 




Application Deadline

17 September, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of Echoing Green Fellowship for Social Entrepreneurs & Leaders

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