Applications are now open for the 2025 Covering Climate Now Journalism Awards. Click here to learn more about this opportunity and apply for it.
Opportunity Details
CCNow is thrilled to invite journalists everywhere to submit work for the 2025 Covering Climate Now Journalism Awards. Entry submissions will cover 14 subject based categories. This helps elevate work on specific and important aspects of the climate story — for example, solutions, justice, and health.
They plan to honor multiple winners in each category, reflecting a range of styles, story lengths, outlet sizes, and geographic regions, to showcase the many ways journalists across the world explored similar subjects.
In addition to the subject-based categories, they will honour work in a “Large projects & collaborations” category; our “Emerging Journalists of the Year” category will recognize early-career journalists whose work shows exceptional promise; and, for the first time, they are accepting public entries for their “Journalists of the Year” award, given to three journalists who demonstrate exemplary commitment to the climate story and whose work has had a transformative impact on our profession.
Apply for Covering Climate Now Journalism Awards