CICOPS Short Research Scholarship at University of Pavia Italy (fully funded)

Are your an acadimic or other researchers from developing country willing to conduct a research at University of Pavia in Italy? You can apply for the Scholarship offered by The Committee for International Cooperation & Development Scholarship ( CICOPS) at The University of Pavia and EDiSU (Institute of the Right to University Studies).

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About CICOPS Short Research Scholarship at University of Pavia

Opportunity Details

The University of Pavia offers six visiting scholar scholarships  to encourage developing countries’ researchers mobility and develop cooperation between university of Pavia and universities in developing countries. The program is offered as research collaboration for a period ranging from 4 to 12 weeks at the University of Pavia. 

Area of Study:

  • Science and Technology,
  • Life Sciences,
  • Humanities and Social Sciences

For more details about the area of study, click HERE.


Benefits of CICOPS Short Research Scholarship at University of Pavia

The scholarship consists of:

  • Travel,
  • Food and lodging costs,
  • Health insurance premiums, and
  • A weekly contribution of 150 Euros (gross).

After the applicant accept the scholarship statement, the University of Pavia will:

  • Purchase a return economy ticket;
  • Send an invitation letter supporting the visa request (with prior arrangements and in rare instances, a contribution for visa issuing will be given);
  • Supply a card for meals at university canteens;
  • Arrange lodging at a university college during the stay in Pavia;
  • Specify health insurance policy and personal accident insurance;
  • Pay the contribution.

CICOPS Short Research Scholarship at University of Pavia Requirements

Applicants must have the following:

  • Candidates must have experiences in teaching or working with international institutions and organizations for at least two years.
  • Scholarships are for junior and senior faculty members at universities in developing nations. Additionally, those affiliated with significant research institutions, international organizations, or institutions with a particular interest in the subject of development studies.
  • To promote the mobility of researchers from poor nations, CICOPS scholarships are designated for short-term research cooperation. Applicants can not apply if they enrolled in a doctoral or postgraduate program at an Italian university.

Required documents

The following files need to be uploaded to the online form:

  • The curriculum vitae contains a list of publications, ideally in European format (filename: Surname_ Name_ CV).
  • A letter of invitation you have received from the professor or researcher you plan to work with the file name of “Surname_ Name_ Letter”.


-The uploaded file’s name should match those specified above.
-Applications with no invitation letter and a CV with the proper title won’t be considered.
-Apply when you received the acceptance letter from any professor at the University of Pavia
-No allowances will be granted; incomplete applications will be rejected.

Note 2: You can check the FAQ section for more information about the invitation letter and how to get in touch with a professor

Selection Criteria:

The Committee will take in consideration the following factors when determining the ranking:

  • The project’s scientific merit, particularly when combined with related initiatives from the University of Pavia;
  • The candidate’s curriculum vitae; and
  • Equitable allocation of grants among participating departments and the applicants’ home regions.

Preference will be given to the following applicants if scientific and professional merit are equal:

  • Those from lower-income economies based on the World Bank list;
  • Those working for universities or other institutions affiliated with the University of Pavia that have an existing cooperation agreement
  • Prospective candidates are formally brought to the Selection Committee by an Honorary Consul associated with the UCOI and UCOIM associations and has a cooperation agreement with the University of Pavia.

Application Date and Process

  • Click on the link to the application website to apply

Application Deadline

31 May, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

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