Call for Proposals: VentureWell Innovation in Action (VIA) Summit 2025

Proposals are invited for the VentureWell Innovation in Action (VIA) Summit 2025. This new transformative event is designed to build meaningful partnerships that drive collaboration in higher education, highlighting the power of innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) within STEM ecosystems. The VIA summit represents a journey of discovery -where new ideas, collaborations, and solutions take shape.

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About VentureWell Innovation in Action Summit

Opportunity Details

  • Date Published: January 06, 2025
  • Application Deadline: January 15, 2025
  • Category: Entrepreneurs Training

This conference connects higher education with industry and government to advance innovations, prepare future leaders, and strengthen research & development (R&D efforts to translate research into real-world impact. As they chart the routes of innovation together, "VIA" becomes a powerful symbol, guiding attendees through the innovation ecosystem and inspiring the creation of impactful partnerships along the way.

This year, plan to lead the conversation and contribute to the field of STEM I&E education by proposing a session for the 2025 VIA summit. Their theme this year is “Igniting Ideas to Impact.”

Areas of Focus

They are seeking proposals i the following areas:

  • Synergy in Action: Bridging Audiences for Ecosystem Growth: Explore strategies for building strong partnerships between higher education, industry, and government. This track will highlight successful collaborations, showcase ecosystem models, and provide tools for creating sustainable innovation networks.
  • Teach to Innovate: Redefining STEM I&E Education: Focus on the latest trends and best practices in developing I&E curriculum and programs. Sessions will cover everything from integrating I&E into traditional disciplines to designing programs that align with industry and government needs.
  • Funding & Policy Powerhouse: Government's Role in Shaping the Future of I&E: Explore how government policies, funding, and partnerships can accelerate innovation and entrepreneurship in higher education. Learn from policymakers and experts about leveraging government strategies to support ecosystem growth and drive impactful change across audiences.
  • Collaborative Breakthroughs: Case Studies in Industry-Academia Innovation Highlights how industry and academia can collaborate to drive innovation. Learn strategies for building partnerships, aligning industry needs with research, and creating impactful programs. Engage with experts to uncover new opportunities for advancing educational and industry goals.
  • Bold Innovations: Pioneering New Research &Programs to Advance I&E: Explore groundbreaking research and transformative programs that are shaping the future of I&E. This session will highlight bold initiatives that push boundaries, showcase successful case studies, and provide insights into how emerging trends are driving impactful change across higher education, government, and industry.


Benefits of VentureWell Innovation in Action Summit

  • The summit is free.

VentureWell Innovation in Action Summit Requirements

1. This opportunity is open to faculty, university staft, administration, researchers, industry experts, and government officials.

2. They encourage submissions that focus on:

  • Building bridges: Proposals that highlight interdisciplinary partnerships among higher education, industry, and government to drive innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • Transformative solutions: Projects or initiatives that showcase new approaches to solving real-world challenges through curricular and extracurricular student pathways and R&D commercialization efforts across sectors.
  • Leadership development: Sessions focused on equipping faculty and university leaders with the strategies to drive innovation ecosystems, advancing research, commercialization, and economic growth.

Application Date and Process

All proposal materials must be submitted through VentureWell's online application system. The deadline for submissions is 11:59 p.m. ET on January 15, 2025. To start, you'll need to sign in or create a VentureWell account. Click here to access an existing account or to create a new one.

Log in, go to the VIA summit Call for Proposals link, and complete the steps!

  • To create and submit your proposal, you will need to provide the following: Proposed session title: Make it descriptive and compelling!
  • Additional session presenters and facilitators: Names, titles, organizations, and emails.
  • Area of focus: Select the one that most fits your proposed session. Target audience: Who will benefit from this session and why?
  • Preferred format type: Select one of the three available session formats—Interactive Workshops, Partnerships in Action Sessions, and I&E Expert Panels. If you are interested in exhibit opportunities, select the appropriate options.
  • Full session description: What will your session be about? What are the goals for your session? How will it be interactive? If you are proposing a workshop, provide a high-level agenda, including a description of the hands-on activity. Please limit your description to 150 words.
  • Abbreviated session description: This is what will appear in the program app. Please include a short, clear description that will encourage participants to attend and three actionable takeaways for your session. Please limit your description to 50 words.

Application Deadline

15 January, 2025

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