Call for Proposals: ILO #IdeathonForSocialJustice Initiative 2024

Proposals are invited for the International Labour Organization (ILO) #IdeathonForSocialJustice Initiative 2024. The #IdeathonForSocialJustice Initiative calls on young enthusiasts and change-makers from all over Latin America and the Caribbean to submit innovative proposals to share their vision of social justice and explore ways to achieve it. 

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About Call for Proposals: ILO #IdeathonForSocialJustice Initiative

Opportunity Details

  • Date Published: July 27, 2024
  • Category: Training

The #IdeathonForSocialJustice Initiative calls on young enthusiasts and change-makers from all over Latin America and the Caribbean to submit innovative proposals to share their vision of social justice and explore ways to achieve it.

This call represents a unique opportunity to address, through one of the three established categories, issues of vital importance related to social justice and decent work, offering the possibility for these ideas to be highlighted and strengthened through the visibility and technical support provided by the ILO and its collaborators, with the aim of supporting their implementation.


The International Labour Organization (ILO) has maintained a constant concern for the challenges facing young people. At the International Labour Conferences of 2005 and 2012, an explicit call was made to redouble efforts to forge a more sustainable future with decent work, highlighting the importance of the active and meaningful participation of young people in this process. The Follow-up Action Plan on Youth Employment for the period 2020-2030 underlines the need to continuously support social dialogue initiatives involving young people, recognizing them as an integral part of the solution.

In this context, within the Global Coalition for Social Justice, it is crucial to give voice to young people in Latin America and the Caribbean, providing visibility and recognition to their perceptions on social justice and how to achieve it. To address this identified need, the ILO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean has launched the #IdeathonForSocialJustice initiative.


  • Artistic or communicational
  • Political influence
  • Academics

Benefits of Call for Proposals: ILO #IdeathonForSocialJustice Initiative

  • Those selected will receive visibility and technical support from the ILO and its allies, and the most outstanding will be able to attend the Global Youth Employment Forum in 2025.

Call for Proposals: ILO #IdeathonForSocialJustice Initiative Requirments

  • Open to young people between 16 and 29 years of age, citizens of any of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Proposals can be submitted both individually and by youth groups or organizations. They will positively value the ideas that come from this type of grouping.
  • Women, rural and peasant youth, members of ethnic groups, _GBTIQ+ people and young people with disabilities are particularly encouraged to participate.
  • They can be projects or ideas at different stages of implementation.
  • It is important that the registration form is completely filled out for the proposal to be considered valid.

Application Date and Process

  • Click on the link to the application website to apply.

The proposals received that meet the application guidelines will be reviewed and evaluated by juries representing employers' and workers' organizations in two stages. Initially, at the country level, those applications will be selected tripartitely and then passed to the regional selection committee headed by constituents from Latin America and the Caribbean.

Application Deadline

16 August, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

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