Call for Applications: Peridot Program 2025 for Researchers (Funded)

Applications for the Peridot Program 2025 are now open. The objective of this program is to develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between French and Pakistani research laboratories, by promoting new cooperation and the participation of young researchers and doctoral students.

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About Peridot Program 2025 for Researchers

Opportunity Details

Three priority areas have been identified for the 11th call for applications:

  • Renewable energy, environment and climate change
  • Agriculture, food safety and health
  • Human and social sciences, entrepreneurship

PERIDOT is the Hubert Curien partnership set up between France and Pakistan. It is developed in France by the Ministries of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and Higher Education and Research (MES) and in Pakistan by the Higher Education Commission (HEC).

Benefits of Peridot Program 2025 for Researchers

  • The funds provided by France cover the payment of subsistence allowances and travel for researchers from the French team to Pakistan.
  • The Pakistani side covers the payment of subsistence allowances and travel for the researchers of the Pakistani team to France.

Peridot Program 2025 for Researchers Requirments

  • Open to researchers working in research laboratories attached to higher education establishments or research organizations.
  • Only applications co-submitted by partner researchers to the bodies responsible for the
    program in their respective countries are declared admissible. French researchers must check this with their partner.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Scientific quality of the project and the teams;
  • Active participation of young researchers, particularly doctoral or post-doctoral students;
  • Interest in cooperation and complementarity of French and Pakistani teams;
  • Reciprocity (missions in both the France->Pakistan direction and the Pakistan->France direction)
  • Prospects for structuring or promoting the project at the end of PHC funding. Network projects with a European opening in particular will be considered as priorities.

Application Date and Process

  • Click on the link to the application website and follow the steps to apply.


  • The application file must be written in English and have been the subject of discussions with the Pakistani colleagues involved.
  • The CVs of the French and Pakistani project managers and of all project participants must be attached to the application form.

Application Deadline

01 October, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of Peridot Program 2025 for Researchers

Apply for Peridot Program 2025 for Researchers

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