British Council ELTons Outstanding Achievement Award 2024

Do you know someone that has had a significant impact on the English language teaching industry? Nominations are now open for the ELTons Outstanding Achievement Award 2024! 

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About British Council ELTons Outstanding Achievement Award

Opportunity Details

  • Date Published: May 24, 2024
  • Application Deadline: June 14, 2024
  • Category: Contest Grants

The ELTons Award for Outstanding Achievement in English language teaching and learning recognises the substantial achievement and significant impact of individuals in the field of English language teaching and learning. We are looking for individuals, groups or organisations that have made a noteworthy contribution to the English teaching profession through writing, teaching, assessment, research and more. 

From 2024, the ELTons will be inducting multiple worthy winners into the newly created ELTons Academy, along with previous winners of the award. Winners will be selected from across the world, reflecting the number and geographical range of individuals and organisations who make outstanding contributions to the profession. 

Award Categories

Excellence in Course Innovation: This award recognises innovation in English Language courses. Typically, applications in this category will possess some or all of these features:

  • Learner materials and teacher guides.
  • Supplementary or practice materials.
  • Audio, video and/or online support materials.
  • Formats may be books, and/or printed and/or online materials.
  • Multi-level materials.

Innovation in Learner Resources: This award recognises innovation in any product or service across any media intended for learners, which can be used as self-access or as in-class
material. It is not intended that complete courses will be included in this category, rather it might include products and services such as:

  • Supplementary materials (extended reading materials, vocabulary or grammar support etc). Formats may be printed or available online.
  • Specialist materials (products and services for specialist groups such as specific professions, students with specific academic goals, examination preparation etc).
  • Services or activities designed to improve learners' English through self-access.
  • Individual skills support (products and services intended to develop speaking, listening, reading or writing skills, or fluency, or core skills).
  • Works of reference intended for learners (such as dictionaries, grammars etc).
  • Innovation in Teacher Resources: This award recognises innovation in products or services aimed at developing and supporting English language teachers and might include:
  • Training courses and materials intended specifically for teachers (they can be in any format, printed, audio, video, digital, online).
  • Works of reference intended for teachers
    (such as reference grammars etc).
  • Education or development services or
    materials (intended to promote in-service development or enhanced knowledge or
  • Materials banks (online resources including downloadable activities etc).

Innovation in the Use of Technology: This award is intended to recognise innovative uses of technology in a product or service that enhances English language learning or teaching. This may include:

  • English language learning and teaching products and services which use new technological innovations, e.g. artificial intelligence, gamification, learning analytics, predictive learning, Virtual Reality (VR)/Augmented Reality (AR) etc.
  • English language learning and teaching products or services which make new or original use of more established technologies, e.g. apps, platforms, video assisted learning, social media etc.

Local Innovation: This award is intended to recognise innovation in creating learner or teacher solutions to meet a specific local need. It recognises and rewards the use of initiative and resource in restricted, trying or limited circumstances beyond the writers' control, and which can make a significant contribution to overcoming these difficulties. It is for innovation within a specific local context which are developed at a local, national or regional level.

Benefits of British Council ELTons Outstanding Achievement Award

  • The winner for each category goes home with an award.

British Council ELTons Outstanding Achievement Award Requirements

  • Innovations submitted to the ELTons 2024 must
    have been completed within the two years prior to the 2024 application closing date.
  • Applications can only be submitted to one
  • However, applicants can submit
    multiple different applications to the awards and into different award categories (e.g. including from overseas offices).
  • Entries can only be submitted to the awards
    once; they cannot be re-submitted in subsequent years. If a product has changed significantly since a previous submission it may be considered.


When submitting a nomination, you will be asked to:

  • provide details of the person, group or organisation you are nominating
  • write no more than 200 words explaining why you are making the nomination
  • provide supporting evidence for the nomination such as links to a professional biography, project work, bibliography as applicable.

Application Date and Process

  • Click on the link to the application website to apply.

Application Deadline

14 June, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of British Council ELTons Outstanding Achievement Award

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