Awaji Youth Federation Fellowship 2024 in Japan

Applications are now open for the Awaji Youth Federation Fellowship 2024 in Japan. Click here to learn more about this opportunity and how to apply for it. 

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About Awaji Youth Federation Fellowship 2024 in Japan

Opportunity Details

The Awaji Youth Federation at Manabi no Sato is the host organization for the nine-month AYF Fellowship, which takes place on Awaji Island in Japan. It provides a multicultural environment for the chosen Fellows to hone their talents while keeping up with the demands of the Japanese business and the innovative “learning by doing” methodology.

With the motto “Turning your Imagination into Action,” AYF and the Pasona Group work together to find sustainable corporate solutions for societal problems. On Awaji Island in Japan, fellows provide a local community a unique global perspective.

The Awaji Youth Federation (AYF) seeks long-term answers to the problems and crises facing society under the auspices of the Pasona Group. AYF Fellows have a fantastic opportunity to use their distinct global viewpoint in a highly specialized regional community on Japan’s Awaji Island.


The AYF Fellowship is an exciting internship program that will involve participants in creating, supporting, and executing projects to further the goals of AYF and the Pasona Group in important domains such as wellness, inbound tourism, and culture.

To promote collaboration and maximize output, efforts will be made to match project assignments with fellows’ interests and career goals.

Project domains consist of:

  • AYF Academy: Providing training and skills development for external organizations.
  • AYF Global: Expanding networks and generating content for the AYF online platform
  • Regional Revitalization: Contributing to specific Pasona Group projects.
  • New Initiatives: Improving and carrying out fresh AYF projects.


Benefits of Awaji Youth Federation Fellowship 2024 in Japan

  • JPY 197,000 per month, which covers both basic pay and overtime.
  • Private space decorated in a Western or Japanese style.
  • Costs associated with utilities, such as Wi-Fi and power.
  • Meals are the responsibility of the fellows. Pasona does, however, offer cheap dinners.
  • Five days a week dedicated to work and learning.
  • A paid leave of ten days is provided after six months of fellowship.
  • Possibility of studying Japanese online for a reduced cost; lodging and utilities are covered.
  • They’ll deduct government taxes, insurance premiums, and pensions.
  • Fellows are responsible for covering their own airfare to and from Japan.

Awaji Youth Federation Fellowship 2024 in Japan Requirments

Applicants must have the following:

  • The applicant should be in the 24- to 30-year-old range.
  • Earned a bachelor’s or master’s degree upon graduation.
  • For non-native speakers, English language proficiency of TOEIC 800 or above
  • Skills in Japanese language for JLPT N1–N3.
  • Two to three years of experience in a fellowship concentration areadedication to supporting AYF initiatives and finding solutions to society’s issues.
  • Respect discipline, diligence, and consideration for others.
  • Adaptable, strong, and persistentthe capacity to convert concepts into practical action.
  • Preference is given to those with a history of participation in the AYF Global Community and membership.

Application Date and Process

  • Click on the link to the application website to apply.

Application Deadline

31 May, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of Awaji Youth Federation Fellowship 2024 in Japan

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