Apply For the Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Environments (RISE) Grants 2024

Applications for the Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Environments (RISE) Grants are now open. The RISE grants challenge aims to fund projects addressing gender-based violence (GBV) occurring within and linked to environmental and climate-related sectors.

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About RISE Grants 2024

Opportunity Details

The Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Environments (RISE) grants challenge is a first-of-its-kind grant fund that supports activities designed to address gender-based violence and environmental linkages in environmental and climate-related programmes and produce knowledge on promising interventions.

Funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and managed by IUCN, the RISE grants challenge is a direct response to a landmark study on gender-based violence and environment linkages by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which USAID’s Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Hub (GenDev) commissioned through the the Advancing Gender in the Environment (AGENT) partnership. With input from IUCN and diverse partners and peers, USAID designed this first-of-its-kind grants mechanism to fill knowledge, cooperation and investment gaps at the gender-based violence and environment nexus. In complement, IUCN launched the Gender-based Violence and Environment Linkages Center (GBV-ENV Center), which brings together resources and tools, mobilises learning, provides tailored technical support and forges collective action to build knowledge, capacities and improved policies. Since 2022, the RISE grants challenge has been managed and hosted by the IUCN, under the GBV-ENV Center.

The RISE grants challenge 2024 call for proposals is the fifth RISE grants challenge open call. A new cohort of RISE grantees will join the four previous cohorts, growing a community of practice and contributing to critical knowledge and strategies toward meeting interlinked global goals of eradicating gender-based violence and securing a healthy and peaceful planet.

Benefits of RISE Grants 2024

  • Grant funding 

RISE Grants 2024 Requirments

The RISE grants challenge is open to legally registered local, national, regional, or international organisations, including but not limited to:

  • Non-governmental organisations (NGOs);
  • Grassroots, local and community-based organisations (CBOs), including women and youth-led organisations;
  • Civil society organisations (CSOs);
  • Indigenous Peoples’ Organisations (IPOs);
  • Women-owned/women-led enterprises;
  • Faith-based organisations (FBOs);
  • International non-governmental organisations (INGOs);
  • Intergovernmental organisations (IGOs);
  • Universities and other academic institutions;
  • Research institutes and think tanks;
  • Private sector companies;
  • Consortiums, partnerships and other already existing forms of collaboration;
  • Organisations that are members of IUCN and/or others with track record improving environment outcomes; and
  • Organisations that have previously applied for and/or received RISE Challenge funding

Eligible countries in 2024

RISE grants challenge projects must be implemented in one or more of the targeted 18 countries or be non-area based global policy focused projects:

  • Brazil
  • Colombia
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Ecuador
  • Ghana
  • Guatemala
  • Indonesia
  • Kenya
  • Madagascar
  • Mexico
  • Mozambique
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Peru
  • Philippines
  • Tanzania
  • Thailand
  • Vietnam
  • Zambia

The RISE grants challenge will also accept non-area based applications focused on global-level policy to address gender-based violence in environment programming.

Application Date and Process

Application Deadline

07 June, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of RISE Grants 2024

Apply for RISE Grants 2024

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