Apply for the NATO Defense College (NDC) Resident Fellowship Programme

Applications are now open for the NATO Defense College (NDC) Resident Fellowship Programme offered by the NDC Research Division. This programme aims to enhance NATO’s problem-solving capacity through research and training, providing opportunities for scholars from Alliance member and partner countries to contribute to NATO’s mission.


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About NATO Defense College (NDC) Resident Fellowship Programme

Opportunity Details

  • Date Published: May 08, 2024
  • Application Deadline: May 19, 2024
  • Category: Fellowship Training
  • Oppotunity Locations: Italy

The NDC Research Division serves to boost NATO's capacity to solve complex problems through a combination of research and training. The Division's strength lies in its mix of in-depth subject expertise and methodological creativity. Success requires access to new thinking and scholarship. Each year, we offer eight research fellowships tailored to both junior and senior scholars, and to nationals both of Alliance members and NATO partner countries. Fellows are expected to contribute to the mission of the Research Division. In return, they will gain insight into NATO's decision-making needs, access to upstream information, and membership of a network of 130 alumni from previous generations of this programme.

Objectives, responsibilities and eligibility 

The NATO Defense College considers itself as NATO's portal to the world. It is a place where interested parties can learn how NATO functions, as well as how to inform the Organization's thinking and work. The NDC Research Division not only serves as a portal for exchange, it offers NATO a kind of radar, looking out into the world and into the future to flag incoming trends and signals. Applicants should familiarize themselves with the themes and style of our work, as well as explaining how their research will be policy relevant.

During their fellowship, fellows are required to: 

  • write a research essay for eventual publication by the College;
  • present their research project to the College before completing their fellowship;
  • act as mentors on the College's Senior Course;
  • align with the College's overall research agenda.



Benefits of NATO Defense College (NDC) Resident Fellowship Programme

  • Funded fellowship program

NATO Defense College (NDC) Resident Fellowship Programme Requirements

1. Eligibility for the Eisenhower Defense Fellowships (NATO Allies)

The three Eisenhower Defense (EISD) Fellowships are for researchers and analysts who hold the nationality of one of the NATO Allies. The three sub-programmes are directed at:

  • Senior Scholars: The NDC offers one 5-month long fellowship per year in this category.

Candidates applying to the Senior Eisenhower Defense Fellowship must have a PhD in a relevant discipline, as well as a minimum of four years’ relevant professional experience since receiving their doctoral degree, as well as a solid publication record on international security-related issues.



  • PhD  candidates: The NDC offers one 3-month long fellowship per year in this category. 

Candidates for the Eisenhower PhD candidate Fellowship must be PhD Students enrolled in a University Programme at the PhD level, with a thesis topic that has a direct relevance to NATO’s policy. Candidates for this Fellowship must be at the final stage of their research and provide evidence of their advanced work. 



  • Junior Scholars: The NDC offers one 3-month long fellowship per year in this category. 

Candidates applying to the Eisenhower Defense Fellowship must have a PhD in a relevant discipline, as well as a publication record on international security-related issues. The NDC offers one 3-month long fellowship per year in this category.



2. Eligibility for Partnership for Peace Fellowships 

Two 5-month long fellowships are awarded each year in this category. The Partnership for Peace (PfP) Fellowships is designed for scholars/academics/researchers of PfP countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Serbia, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan).

3. Eligibility for Mediterranean Dialogue Fellowships

Two 5-month long fellowships are awarded each year in this category. The Mediterranean Dialogue (MD) Fellowships is designed for researchers and analysts of MD countries (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia).

4. Eligibility for Other Military Cooperation/Partners Across the Globe Fellowship (OMC/PatG)

The OMC/PatG Fellowship is designed for scholars/academics/researchers of OMC/PatG countries. One 5-month long fellowship is awarded each year in this category. Countries include: Australia, Colombia, Iraq, Japan, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, New Zealand, and Mongolia.

Application Date and Process

Candidates must fill in the on-line registration form, and send separately the following:  a signed copy of the 2025 Terms & Conditions, and in a single pdf file a short CV, ID (Passport or national ID),  to the following email address: [email protected]  

The research proposal submitted in the on-line registration form must be relevant to NATO’s current agenda and future. (Research proposals unrelated to NATO or incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration). The Resident Fellowship Programme is under the supervision of Dr Florence Gaub, Director, Research Division.  

Deadline for applications: no later than 19 May 2024 (23.59 CET). (23.59 CET)

Selected candidates will be notified in writing by 30 July 2024.

The Research Division cannot provide comments on applicants’ proposals either during nor after the selection process.

Application Deadline

19 May, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of NATO Defense College (NDC) Resident Fellowship Programme

Apply for NATO Defense College (NDC) Resident Fellowship Programme

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