Apply for DKFZ Postdoctoral Fellowships

Applications are now open for the DKFZ Postdoctoral Fellowships in Germany. Click here to learn more about this opportunity and apply for it.

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About DKFZ Postdoctoral Fellowships

Opportunity Details

DKFZ Postdoctoral Fellowships represent the most prestigious and competitive Postdoc recruitment process at the DKFZ. It is intended to recruit highly talented and motivated young scientists, who wish to work at the forefront of cancer research in any of the basic or translational cancer research labs at the DKFZ.

This program offers up to 7 fellowships per year and provides interdisciplinary training and research opportunities in state-of-the-art research facilities for excellent young scientists, no longer than 2 years past graduation, with a background in biology as well as in physics, mathematics, bioinformatics, epidemiology and other research fields.

Benefits of DKFZ Postdoctoral Fellowships

DKFZ Postdoc salaries are competitive by national standards and are negotiated and confirmed during the recruitment phase should a fellowship be offered.

The fellowships are initially offered for a duration of two years.

DKFZ Postdoctoral Fellowships Requirments

  • A qualification equivalent to a PhD or MD-PhD is a prerequisite for all applications.
  • Candidates should document their successful previous research endeavors with publications.
  • The candidates should be at an early stage of their career, having held a PhD (or MD-PhD) for no longer than 2 years.
  • Candidates who submit their thesis before November of the running year are eligible to apply. The expected defense date must be included in the motivation letter.
  • The fellowship is not open for internal candidates, unless they have been recruited to the DKFZ not longer than 6 months before the application deadline.

Selection criteria

The most important selection criterion is academic quality, demonstrated by outstanding publications.

Other criteria that will be considered during the selection process include research prizes and awards, demonstration of mobility, or successful application for research funding.

Although it is not mandatory that applicants contact a research group before applying, showing a clear idea about the future research focus is of great advantage. Here is a non-exhaustive list of research projects that one can apply to.

Application Date and Process

In order to prepare your application please make sure to compile all the required information in one single PDF document which you need to upload during the online application process:

  1. One-page motivation letter (incl. a statement of your research interests)*
  2. List of preferred DKFZ labs/projects (see the research profiles tab)
  3. Curriculum vitae (incl. list of publications)
  4. Copy of degree certificates (MD, PhD, Bachelor and Master certificates, originals, transcripts, and translations if applicable)
  5. Two letters of recommendation

Please note that applications need to be submitted in English.

Candidates are encouraged to contact division heads and group leaders at the DKFZ Heidelberg before application to discuss potential projects. 

*Imporant Note: When applying for the DKFZ Postdoctoral Fellowship your motivation letter is a critical component of your application. It should effectively convey your passion for cancer research by addressing the underlying scientific question that inspires you. Additionally, your letter should highlight your academic and research background, as well as your potential contributions to DKFZ by explaining how you will enrich their research environment. Furthermore, please explain why you want to pursue a postdoctoral position and why you are specifically interested in joining the DKFZ International Postdoc Program.

Download our Application Guide (PDF document) containing detailed information on the DKFZ International Postdoc Program and the DKFZ Postdoctoral Fellowships. Furthermore, you will find info on how to prepare and submit your fellowship application and on the different steps of the selection process. 

Application Deadline

15 September, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of DKFZ Postdoctoral Fellowships

Apply for DKFZ Postdoctoral Fellowships

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