AJSO Capacity Building Training for Afghan Women Journalists and WHRDs

The Afghanistan Journalist Support Organization (AJSO) is accepting applications for the Capacity Building Training for Afghan Women Journalists and Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs). Click here to learn more about this opportunity.

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About AJSO Capacity Building Training

Opportunity Details

This program aims to conduct workshops focused on legal assistance and professional leadership for Afghan women journalists and female media activists both within the country and in exile.

Also, the program seeks to create an enlightened community of knowledgeable and capable women who can actively participate in daily affairs, protect fundamental rights, and develop professional leadership by addressing key areas of their basic and professional rights.

Benefits of AJSO Capacity Building Training

The participants will benefit from the program as follows:

  • Training workshops in legal assistance
  • Professional leadership development
  • Enhancement of participants’ capacity to actively engage in daily affairs and protect fundamental rights

AJSO Capacity Building Training Requirments

Applicants must:

  • Be an Afghan woman journalist or female media activist
  • Interested in capacity-building training and legal issues

Application Date and Process

  • Click on the link to the application website to apply. 

Application Deadline

15 June, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of AJSO Capacity Building Training

Apply for AJSO Capacity Building Training

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