Applications for the Aga Khan Foundation’s International Scholarship Programme are ongoing. Click here to learn more about this opportunity and apply for it.
Opportunity Details
The Aga Khan Foundation’s International Scholarship Programme (AKF ISP) is an opportunity for outstanding scholars from selected countries*, who have no other means of financing their studies, to pursue postgraduate education. Established in 1969 by His Highness the Aga Khan, the AKF ISP has supported more than 1,000 students to date.
Award recipients are selected through a global, annual, and competitive application process. The AKF ISP offers a limited number of new awards in each cycle.
The award covers tuition expenses and student living expenses. It does not cover, for example, the cost of international travel, clothing, furniture, or living expenses for family members.
AKF ISP awards are structured as half grant and half loan – where you need to repay 50 percent of the award amount.* Scholarships for Master’s studies are granted for the entire duration of the degree course. For PhD students, scholarships are awarded for the first two years, after which you are expected to find funding from alternative sources.
In order to maintain an AKF ISP award, you need to demonstrate good academic standing, as well as ongoing financial need, during the course of your postgraduate programme.
*A guarantor is required to co-sign the award agreement. Repayment of the loan component, which includes a service charge, begins six months after the first of the following events: a) graduation, b) termination of studies or c) the withdrawal of support following failure to meet the academic standards expected of ISP students.
* (i) At present, the AKF ISP is available in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Kenya, Kyrgyz Republic, Madagascar, Mozambique, Pakistan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, and Uganda. (ii) In Canada, France, Portugal and the USA, applications are accepted from those who are originally from one of the countries listed in point (i). (iii) AKF ISP is not available to students who wish to study in the United Kingdom.
To be eligible for an AKF ISP award, you must:
Note: preference is given to young professionals under 30 years of age.
**Awards are provided according to need, but please consider the AKF ISP a resource of last resort and secure multiple sources of funding to reduce the amount you request. See the section Examples of Other Scholarships and Financial Assistance Programmes below for a ‘starter’ list of other sources of funding that may be of interest.
*** AKF ISP gives priority to Master’s programmes but will also consider applications for PhD studies. Local/regional universities and distance learning programmes are acceptable for ISP funding, only if the quality of the course is maintained. Applications for part-time programmes and short-term courses are not considered.
****Applicants must be entering their first year of study in a postgraduate programme. Students who have already enrolled in, or have commenced their postgraduate studies, are not eligible.
Applications are handled by local units of the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), Aga Khan Education Services (AKES), or Aga Khan Education Board (AKEB).
If you are interested in applying, please answer the questions in their eligibility tool. If you are deemed to be eligible, you will receive an email address for one of their local units, who administer the application process.
Apply for Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Programme