AFROTECH Al Hackathon 2024 ($15,000 in prizes)

Applications are open for the AFROTECH AI Hackathon 2024. Ahead of the AFROTECH Conference 2024, AFROTECH will hold an Al Hackathon. Click here to learn more about this opportunity and apply for it.

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About AFROTECH Al Hackathon

Opportunity Details

Hosted on DevPost, participants of the virtual hackathon will build their own GPT models on the backend of existing GPT technologies. The software application must merge Google Gemini, the tech giant's Al, or OpenAl.

In addition, the software application must fit one of the categories below:

  • Health and medical
  • Sustainability
  • Cybersecurity and risk
  • Skills-based workforce development

Benefits of AFROTECH Al Hackathon


1st Place

  • $7.500 USD Cash Prize
  • Up to $5,000 USD Team Travel Reimbursement for AFROTECH Conference 2024
  • Complimentary AFROTECH™ Conference 2024 All-Access Ticket
  • Editorial Feature Post-Event
  • Complimentary AFROTECH™ Insider Membership

2nd Place

  • $5,000 USD Cash Prize
  • Complimentary AFROTECH™ Conference 2024 Executive Ticket
  • Editorial Feature Post-Event
  • Complimentary AFROTECH™ Insider Membership

3rd Place

  • $2,500 USD Cash Prize
  • Complimentary AFROTECH™ Conference 2024 General Admission Ticket
  • Complimentary AFROTECH™ Insider Membership

AFROTECH Al Hackathon Requirments

  • Participants must be either mid-career professionals or beyond.
  • Be at least 21 years of age.

Submissions to the Hackathon must meet the following requirements:

  • Include a Proiect built with the required developer tools and meets the Project Requirements.
  • Include a text description that should explain the features and functionality of your Project.
  • Include a demonstration video of your Project.
    The video portion of the Submission:
  • should be around three (3) minutes. Judges are not required to watch beyond three minutes
  • should include footage that shows the Project functioning on the device for which it was built
  • must be uploaded to and made publicly visible on You Tube, Vimeo, Facebook Video, or Youku, and a link to the video must be provided on the submission form on the Hackathon Website; and
  • must not include third party trademarks, or copyrighted music or other material unless the Entrant has permission to use such material.
  • Include a URL to your public code repository
  • Include a public URL to your app

Judging Criteria

  • Technological Implementation: Does the project demonstrate quality software development? How is the quality of the code?
  • Design: Is the user experience and design of the project well thought out? Is there a balanced blend of frontend and backend in the software?
  • Potential Impact: How big of an impact could the project have on communities of color?
  • Quality of the Idea: How creative and unique is the project? Does the concept exist already? If so, how much does the project improve on it?

Application Date and Process

  • Click on the link to the application website to apply.

Submissions will close on September 30, 2024. The winners will be announced on October 14. The three winners will present live and directly at the 2024 AFROTECH Conference in November.

Application Deadline

30 September, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of AFROTECH Al Hackathon

Apply for AFROTECH Al Hackathon

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