African Studies Centre Leiden Africa Thesis Award 2024 for Afro-Centric Masters Thesis ( € 500 Prize)

Applications are now open for the 2024 African Studies Centre Leiden Africa Thesis Award. Click here to learn more about this opportunity and apply.

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About African Studies Centre Leiden Africa Thesis Award 2024 for Afro-Centric Masters Thesis

Opportunity Details

The award aims to encourage student’s research and writing on African topics and to promote the study of African cultures and societies. It is presented annually to a student whose master’s thesis has been completed on the basis of research conducted on an African topic. The award consists of a prize of € 500,- and publication of the winning thesis in the ASCL’s African Studies Collection. All theses submitted will be made available fulltext online via the ASCL’s library catalogue.

Benefits of African Studies Centre Leiden Africa Thesis Award 2024 for Afro-Centric Masters Thesis

  • Award prize of € 500

African Studies Centre Leiden Africa Thesis Award 2024 for Afro-Centric Masters Thesis Requirments

  • Master students who have completed their thesis at a university on the African continent or in the Netherlands between 31 August 2023 and 31 August 2024 can apply for the Africa Thesis Award 2024. 
  • Students in the Netherlands must have received an 8 out of 10 or above. 
  • Students from non-Dutch universities with a grade A (or equivalent) may apply if the accompanying letter from the supervisor confirms the thesis’ excellence and supports the grade score.

Application Date and Process

If a student or supervisor considers the thesis to fulfill the above criteria and to merit an award, the thesis may be submitted. Every submission must include:


• a digital version of the thesis in PDF

• a summary (max. 300 words)

• a signed letter of recommendation from the student’s supervisor, detailing the quality of the thesis and an explanation of the grade, and details of the educational institution from which the student has graduated.

Only full applications will be processed. All documents can be sent to [email protected](link sends e-mail)


The deadline for applications is Saturday 31 August 2024. The prize will be presented to the winner during a special Africa Thesis Award Ceremony, where the winner will present his/her/their thesis.

Application Deadline

31 August, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of African Studies Centre Leiden Africa Thesis Award 2024 for Afro-Centric Masters Thesis

Apply for African Studies Centre Leiden Africa Thesis Award 2024 for Afro-Centric Masters Thesis

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