Academy in Exile Residential Fellowships 2024 for At-Risk Scholars In Germany

The Academy in Exile Residential Fellowships applications are open for 2024. This fellowship offers a vital opportunity for at-risk scholars to continue their academic pursuits in a safe environment.

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About Academy in Exile Residential Fellowships

Opportunity Details

These fellowships, hosted by TU Dortmund University and the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI) in Germany, empower humanities, social sciences, and law scholars to pursue their research projects in challenging circumstances.

The fellowship’s total duration is 24 months, and scholars with a Ph.D. in humanities, social sciences, or law who face academic risk due to their work or civic engagement in human rights, democracy, and academic freedom are eligible.

For 2024, the Mellon Foundation and the VolkswagenStiftung will support twelve fellows based on academic merit, risk assessment, and alignment with the research programs of both institutions and the Academy in Exile.

Fellowships commence as early as July 2024, offering a monthly stipend of 2,500 EUR and health insurance coverage of up to 500 EUR per month. Dual citizens or permanent residents of safe countries, including their partners, are ineligible. The program targets scholars currently in their home country or those who have been abroad for no more than two years, emphasizing its support for scholars at risk.

  • Eligible Countries: Scholars from any country facing academic risk


Benefits of Academy in Exile Residential Fellowships

As a selected fellow, you will benefit from the program as follows:

  • A monthly stipend of 2,500 EUR
  • Health insurance coverage up to 500 EUR per month
  • Opportunity to work on a research project of choice in a multidisciplinary environment
  • Contribution to shaping the research agenda and intellectual profile of Academy in Exile

Academy in Exile Residential Fellowships Requirments

Applicants must:

  • Hold a PhD in humanities, social sciences, or law.
  • They face academic risks due to their work or civic engagement in human rights, democracy, and academic freedom.
  • Not hold dual citizenship or permanent residency in a safe country.
  • Must be currently residing in their home country or have been out of their country for no more than two years.

Required Documents

Please submit these supporting documents in addition to the application form:

  • Letter explaining the motivation for applying, including current risk or exile status circumstances
  • Three-page research proposal
  • Curriculum vitae with list of publications
  • PhD degree certificate
  • A published journal article or chapter

Selection Criteria

  • Applications will be evaluated based on academic merit, risk assessment, and suitability for the research programs at TU Dortmund and KWI, as well as the Academy in Exile programs.
  • Applications will be within strict confidentiality.

Application Date and Process

  • Apply through the provided application website by 15 April 2024.
  • Attach the additional documents with the online application form.
  • Encrypted communication will be available upon request.

Application Deadline

15 April, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

View details of Academy in Exile Residential Fellowships

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