AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards 2024 ($5,000 Prize)

The AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards are given in honor of The Kavli Foundation’s generous gift in 2009. Click here to join this contest.

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About AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards 2024

Opportunity Details

  • Date Published: May 11, 2024
  • Category: Contest

The AAAS Science Journalism Awards have recognized outstanding science reporting by professional journalists since their founding in 1945. The awards are given to individuals for their coverage of the sciences, engineering, and mathematics; they are not given to organizations, publishers, or employers. The awards are a globally recognized indicator of achievement in science journalism.

The AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards are given in honor of The Kavli Foundation’s generous gift in 2009, which guaranteed the program’s continuation. In 2015, Kavli increased the endowment, which made it possible for us to internationalize the tournament for the first time. Journalists working for independent news outlets worldwide are now eligible to enter any category of the competition. The winning entries are, as usual, chosen by impartial judging committees on the basis of scientific validity, creativity, initiative, and clarity of interpretation as well as their potential to improve public awareness of science and its implications.


Award Categories:

  • Science Reporting – Small Outlet: Text articles from digital-only magazines with a local readership and small newspapers having a daily circulation of no more than 150,000 copies, whether in print or online. This category includes online-only news sources with fewer than 50 employees.
  • Print/Online Entries: Science Reporting – Large Outlet: Text articles from print or digital-only periodicals with a regional or nationwide readership, as well as major newspapers with a daily circulation of more than 150,000 (biggest single day, including digital subscriptions).
  • Magazine: Articles in print, on the websites of periodicals, or exclusively in digital formats.
  • Science Reporting – In-Depth: an over 5,000 word submission to a newspaper, magazine, or internet publication. A single story, two or three unconnected or related works, or a thematic series (no more than three sections submitted for judging) can all be submitted as entries.
  • Audio Entries (radio or podcast): One story, two or three unrelated pieces, or a thematic series (submit no more than three sections of the series for adjudication) may be submitted as entries. Send in a link to the broadcast’s MP3 file. During the screening and judging period, which runs from August 1, 2024, to October 30, 2024, the MP3 file must be openly accessible via an active URL or an archived link.
  • Children’s Science News Entries: This award is for work that has been published in print, on television, or online. The award honors superiority in science news reporting for young readers, including those between the ages of 12 and 14.
  • Video Entries: for independent online videos, cable, or television. Two groups: i. Spot News/Feature Reporting: A single piece of reporting, no longer than twenty minutes overall. ii. Comprehensive Reporting: Shows or parts that run longer than twenty minutes.

Benefits of AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards 2024

There are two prizes in each category:

  • A $5,000 Gold reward and a $3,500 Silver prize. Every year in February, during the AAAS Annual Meeting, the prizes are given out. Participants acknowledge that, barring unforeseen circumstances, they will attend the awards ceremony in the event of a win. Included in the award is lodging and travel expense reimbursement. When there are several writers or producers involved, only one person’s travel costs will be reimbursed.

AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards 2024 Requirments

  • Journalists worldwide who work for independent news organizations are eligible to apply for the prizes.
  • Public access to articles through subscription, newsstand sales, or internet access is required.
  • If your work is published in a language other than English, your translation is required.

Application Date and Process

  • Click on the link to the application website to apply.

Application Deadline

01 September, 2024

Scholarship Application Portal

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